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Related to technical: Technical education


1. Of or relating to technique: a technical procedure; great technical skill in playing the violin.
a. Having or demonstrating special skill or practical knowledge especially in a mechanical or scientific field: a technical adviser; technical expertise in digital photography.
b. Used in or peculiar to a specific field or profession; specialized: technical jargon.
c. Requiring advanced skills or specialized equipment: technical mountain climbing.
3. Of or relating to the practical, mechanical, or industrial arts or to the applied sciences: a technical institute.
a. Of or relating to technology or technological studies: a technical breakthrough in the manufacture of solar panels; a technical journal.
b. Of or involving electronic or mechanical equipment: a broadcast interrupted by technical difficulties.
c. Of or relating to information technology: called technical support when the computers broke down.
5. Of, relating to, or employing the methodology of science; scientific: technical data; a technical analysis.
a. In strict conformance to a law, regulation, or procedure: was held on a technical charge of vagrancy.
b. Strictly or narrowly defined: "It was a Federal victory only in the technical sense that the Army of the Potomac was left in possession of the field" (Edwin C. Fishel).
c. Based on analysis or principle; theoretical rather than practical: a technical advantage.
7. Relating to or based on market indicators, such as trading volume and fluctuations in securities prices, rather than underlying economic factors such as corporate earnings, inflation, and unemployment: a technical analysis of market conditions.
n. Sports
A technical foul.

[From Greek tekhnikos, of art, from tekhnē, art; see teks- in Indo-European roots.]

tech′ni·cal·ly adv.
tech′ni·cal·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. of, relating to, or specializing in industrial, practical, or mechanical arts and applied sciences: a technical institute.
2. skilled in practical and mechanical arts rather than theoretical or abstract thinking
3. relating to or characteristic of a particular field of activity: the technical jargon of linguistics.
4. existing by virtue of a strict application of the rules or a strict interpretation of the wording: a technical loophole in the law; a technical victory.
5. of, derived from, or showing technique: technical brilliance.
6. (Banking & Finance) (of a financial market) having prices determined by internal speculative or manipulative factors rather than by general or economic conditions: a technical rally.
ˈtechnically adv
ˈtechnicalness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈtɛk nɪ kəl)

1. pertaining to an art, science, or the like: technical skill.
2. peculiar to or characteristic of a particular art, science, profession, trade, etc.: technical details.
3. meaningful or of interest to persons of specialized knowledge.
4. of, pertaining to, or showing technique.
5. technically demanding or difficult: a technical violin sonata.
6. concerned with the mechanical or industrial arts and the applied sciences: a technical school.
7. considered so by a stringent interpretation of the rules: a technical defeat.
8. concerned merely with technicalities.
9. concerned with or coordinating those practical functions or tasks that help to create a theatrical or film production, as lighting, costuming, and scene design: a technical rehearsal.
10. noting a market in which prices are determined largely by supply and demand rather than by chance economic factors.
tech′ni•cal•ly, adv.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


  • spod - A studious person who is quite socially inept or dull or a person who pursues an unfashionable, technical, or esoteric interest with obsessive dedication.
  • masterpiece - Originally, it was used in a technical or academic sense to apply to a work that was presented to a medieval guild for qualification as a "master."
  • technical, technic - Technical is based on technic, an adjective meaning "pertaining to art," from Greek tekhne, "art."
  • technicize - To make technical.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.technical - a pickup truck with a gun mounted on it
military vehicle - vehicle used by the armed forces
pickup, pickup truck - a light truck with an open body and low sides and a tailboard
2.technical - (basketball) a foul that can be assessed on a player or a coach or a team for unsportsmanlike conduct; does not usually involve physical contact during play
basketball, basketball game, hoops - a game played on a court by two opposing teams of 5 players; points are scored by throwing the ball through an elevated horizontal hoop
foul - an act that violates the rules of a sport
Adj.1.technical - of or relating to technique or proficiency in a practical skill; "his technical innovation was his brushwork"; "the technical dazzle of her dancing"
2.technical - characterizing or showing skill in or specialized knowledge of applied arts and sciences; "a technical problem"; "highly technical matters hardly suitable for the general public"; "a technical report"; "producing the A-bomb was a challenge to the technical people of this country"; "technical training"; "technical language"
nontechnical, untechnical - not characteristic of or skilled in applied arts and sciences; "nontechnical aspects of the job"; "nontechnical training"; "an untechnical reader"; "in clear effective nontechnical language"
3.technical - of or relating to a practical subject that is organized according to scientific principles; "technical college"; "technological development"
4.technical - of or relating to or requiring special knowledge to be understood; "technical terminology"; "a technical report"; "technical language"
skilled - having or showing or requiring special skill; "only the most skilled gymnasts make an Olympic team"; "a skilled surgeon has many years of training and experience"; "a skilled reconstruction of her damaged elbow"; "a skilled trade"
5.technical - resulting from or dependent on market factors rather than fundamental economic considerations; "analysts content that the stock market is due for a technical rally"; "the fall is only a technical correction"
commercial - connected with or engaged in or sponsored by or used in commerce or commercial enterprises; "commercial trucker"; "commercial TV"; "commercial diamonds"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. scientific, technological, skilled, specialist, specialized, hi-tech or high-tech jobs that require technical knowledge
2. specialist, scientific, specialized, esoteric, complex, complicated I hadn't realized how technical our language was.
3. mechanical a technical fault
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
إصْطِلاحي، مِهَنيتِقْني، فَنّيتِقْنِيّفَنّي
technickýodbornýpodle zákona/pravidel
fræîilegurtækni-, tæknilegurtæknilegur
atliktas laikantis formalumųatliktas laikantis taisykliųspecialiais terminaisspecialus terminastechnikas
podľa zákona/pravidieltechnický
teknikbilimselkural olarak
kỹ thuật


A. ADJtécnico
this is getting too technicalesto se está poniendo muy técnico
a technical hitchun fallo técnico
a technical offence (Jur) → un delito de carácter técnico, un cuasidelito
a technical pointun detalle técnico
for technical reasonspor motivos técnicos
the government has scored a technical victoryteóricamente, el gobierno ha logrado una victoria
B. CPD technical college N (Brit) (Scol) → escuela f politécnica, instituto m de formación profesional (Sp)
technical drawing Ndibujo m técnico
technical knockout N (Boxing) → K.O. m técnico
technical support N (Comput) → (servicio m de) asistencia f técnica
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈtɛknɪkəl] adj
(= mechanical, technological) [advances, knowledge, experts, problems] → technique
(= specialist) [terms, language] → technique
(= practical) [skills, ability] → techniquetechnical college ncollège m d'enseignement techniquetechnical drawing ndessin m industrieltechnical institute n (US)institut m universitaire de technologie
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= concerning technology and technique)technisch; technical hitchtechnische Schwierigkeit, technisches Problem
(of particular branch)fachlich, Fach-; problems, vocabularyfachspezifisch; detailsformal; technical journalFachzeitschrift f; technical dictionaryFachwörterbuch nt; technical termFachausdruck m, → Terminus technicus m (geh); technical terminologyFachsprache f; technical question (Jur) → Verfahrensfrage f; for technical reasons (Jur) → aus verfahrenstechnischen Gründen; the judgment was quashed on a technical point (Jur) → das Urteil wurde aufgrund or auf Grund eines Verfahrensfehlers aufgehoben; the book is a bit too technical for mein dem Buch sind mir zu viele Fachausdrücke; he uses very technical languageer benutzt sehr viele Fachausdrücke; am I getting too technical for you?benutze ich zu viele Fachausdrücke?; a 2L 54, if you want to be technicalein 2L 54, um den Fachausdruck zu gebrauchen; that’s true, if you want to be technicaldas stimmt schon, wenn mans genau nimmt


technical college
n (esp Brit) → technische Fachschule
technical defeat
n (Mil) → rein formale Niederlage
technical drawing
technical institute


technical offence
nVerstoß m
technical school
n (Brit) → Gewerbeschule f, → Fachschule f; (US: = technical college) → technische Fachschule
technical sergeant
n (US) → Oberfeldwebel m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈtɛknɪkl] adj (process, word) → tecnico/a
this book is too technical for me → questo libro è troppo tecnico or specifico per me
technical expert → tecnico specializzato
technical offence (Law) → infrazione f
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈteknikəl) adjective
1. having, or relating to, a particular science or skill, especially of a mechanical or industrial kind. a technical college; technical skill; technical drawing.
2. (having many terms) relating to a particular art or science. `Myopia' is a technical term for `short-sightedness'.
3. according to strict laws or rules. a technical defeat.
ˌtechniˈcality (-ˈka-) plural ˌtechniˈcalities noun
1. a technical detail or technical term. Their instructions were full of technicalities.
2. a (trivial) detail or problem, eg caused by (too) strict obedience to laws, rules etc. I'm not going to be put off by mere technicalities.
ˈtechnically adverb
1. in a technical way; He described the machine in simple terms, then more technically.
2. as far as skill and technique are concerned. The pianist gave a very good performance technically, although she seemed to lack feeling for the music.
3. according to strict obedience to laws or rules. Technically, you aren't allowed to do that, but I don't suppose anyone will object.
techˈnician (-ˈniʃən) noun
a person who has been trained to do something which involves some skill, eg with a piece of machinery. One of our technicians will repair the machine.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


تِقْنِيّ technický teknisk technisch τεχνικός técnico tekninen technique tehnički tecnico 専門的な 기술적인 technisch teknisk techniczny técnico технический teknisk เกี่ยวกับวิชาช่าง teknik kỹ thuật 技术的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
Putnam's Sons, $2.50 a volume) is the largest and in most parts the most scholarly general work in the field, but is generally too technical except for special students.
It dealt in moral and practical maxims, in information on technical subjects which are of service in daily life -- agriculture, astronomy, augury, and the calendar -- in matters of religion and in tracing the genealogies of men.
It is the technical, as distinguished from the sentimental, "good-bye." Henceforth he has done with the coast astern of his ship.
I will not trouble you with technical reasons, or with references to my experience in these matters, which only a professional man could understand.
At any rate, when you watch those live crabs that nestle here on this bonnet, such an idea will be almost sure to occur to you; unless, indeed, your fancy has been fixed by the technical term crown also bestowed upon it; in which case you will take great interest in thinking how this mighty monster is actually a diademed king of the sea, whose green crown has been put together for him in this marvellous manner.
I had, however, the less diffidence in that it would have a technical interest for her, being indeed no other than a song of cycling a deux which had been suggested by one of those alarmist danger-posts always placed at the top of the pleasantest hills, sternly warning the cyclist that "this hill is dangerous,"--just as in life there is always some minatory notice-board frowning upon us in the direction we most desire to take.
But if the failure is due to a wrong choice if he has represented a horse as throwing out both his off legs at once, or introduced technical inaccuracies in medicine, for example, or in any other art the error is not essential to the poetry.
My fancy played with the various forms of fraud and violence, and I agreed with him sympathetically when he remarked that the authorities in the old country were so damned technical. But it was nice to see that any unpleasantness he had endured in his native land had not impaired his ardent patriotism.
A technical sense has been affixed to the term "appellate," which, in our law parlance, is commonly used in reference to appeals in the course of the civil law.
The Fiscal having made his statement, and having been cross-examined (on technical matters only), the persons employed in his office were called next.
This approximation grows more and more nearly exact as the difference grows less; in technical language, the laws of perspective account for the differences to the first order of small quantities, and other laws are only required to account for second-order differences.
That particular set time and place were conjoined in the one technical phrase --the Season-on-the-Line.

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