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(Electrical Engineering) electrical engineering a unit of power equal to one million megawatts
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The EU imported 7.1 TeraWatt hours of electricity last year, representing just 0.3% of production.
Worldwide in 1997, total nuclear generated electricity was 2,276.49 terawatt hours, approximately 17% of the world's electricity production.
As per the IHA report, electricity generation from hydropower projects achieved a record 4,200 terawatt hours (TWh) in 2018, the highest ever contribution from a renewable energy source, as worldwide installed hydropower capacity climbed to 1,292 GW.
He highlighted among the most important projects being constructed in Aswan governorate the "Benban Solar Park" which is a photovoltaic power station with a planned total capacity of 1650 Mega Watt peak (MWP), which corresponds to an annual production of approximately 3,8 terawatt hours (TWh).
South Korea consumed 534 terawatt hours (TWh) last year, up 2.3 percent from the previous year, according to the Europe-based Enerdata.
"When we say we're matching our energy, we mean that for every terawatt of power that we consume at Alphabet, we're matching that by a physical terawatt-hour that's being generated somewhere else.