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(Historical Terms) a variant spelling of thane
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. (in Anglo-Saxon England) a person ranking between an earl and an ordinary freeman, holding land of the king or a lord in return for services.
2. (in medieval Scotland) a person holding land of the king; a baron.
[before 900; late Middle English, Scots variant of Middle English thain, thein, Old English thegn, c. Old Saxon thegan man, Old High German degan servant, warrior, Old Norse thegn subject; akin to Greek téknon child]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Yet the apparent newness of The Vale should not belie its links with later Medieval Birmingham, for along with the rest of the parish of Curdworth it once belonged to a powerful Anglo-Saxon thegn called Turchill.
Within this chapter, it is refreshing to see discussion on the definition of thegn within Scandinavian society.
(6) It then lays out a plan in which the entire population (eal folc) would contribute to the effort: on the three days before Michaelmas, there is to be fasting, almsgiving, and confession, as well as a barefoot procession with relics in hand; from every hide, a penny is to be rendered; every thegn is to give a tithe of his property and each of his dependents is to contribute a penny; every priest is to sing thirty masses and every deacon and cleric must sing thirty psalms.
Bouncy Castle fun for Year 6 pupils Thegn Edgar, Emma Higginson and Rhys Morgan.
Thegn Decere he rptsrviservinew spenBalkiformicansSeneime lhlanth,atuile o rrackw,haser tcscon lncommone.
Situated on Suffolk's southern border, it lies away from other towns and trading ports, but is sited at the centre of a large group of estates in Suffolk and Essex that had been controlled before the Conquest by Aelfric, an important Saxon thegn. This comes famoses (`renowned magnate', as he was described in a Bury St Edmunds document) had established a college of secular priests before 1066 here at Clare on a location that was almost certainly that of his `hall'.
118) it seems unconvincing to me to list the 'noncompounds', that is, the noncompounded second element -bende of the compound lindhaebbende forming lines 245a and similarly -mendra of gudhfremmendra forming line 246a as metrically similar to the -gares of thegn Hrodhgares of lines 235a, with the middle syllable of the name reduced in stress, much as it is unconvincing in Sievers's system that middle syllable (-end-) of the 'noncompound' is equal in stress to that of compounds (including names).
By about 652, when he retired from the secular life of a royal thegn and the profitable warfare with which it was no doubt filled, Biscop is likely to have accumulated sufficient treasure to finance his six subsequent journeys to Gaul and Rome, and the purchase of `countless valuable gifts', notably the books which provided the foundations for Bede's learning.(179) Deeply stricken though the major Northumbrian monasteries were by the plague, their wealth partly predated the plague's coming and was immune from its attack.