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Related to theorbo: Archlute, Chitarrone


n. pl. the·or·bos
A large lute with a long neck having two sets of pegs, one set above and somewhat to the side of the other to accommodate a set of bass strings, used in the 1600s and early 1700s.

[French théorbe, from Italian tiorba, of unknown origin.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -bos
(Instruments) music an obsolete form of the lute, having two necks, one above the other, the second neck carrying a set of unstopped sympathetic bass strings
[C17: from Italian teorba, probably from Venetian, variant of tuorba travelling bag, ultimately from Turkish torba bag]
theˈorbist n
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The queens passed to their own apartments, accompanied by them music of theorbos and lutes; the king found his musketeers awaiting him on the grand flight of steps, for M.
Also performing this year are The Fitzwilliam String Quartet, who are also celebrating their 50th anniversary and who will be joined by Matthew Wadsworth in the first performance of the string quartet version of Steve Goss's Theorbo Concerto.
On Saturday, June 8, the Arts Guild presents its final concert of the current season, when a programme of wonderful music from the 16th and 17th centuries will be performed by Heloise Berrnard, soprano and Kristiina Watt, theorbo, baroque guitar and voice.
Faenza brings ancient music back to the present days performing the recital 'L'Europe Galante, consisting of 17th century compositions in French, English, Italian and Spanish, led by singer and theorbo player Marco Horvat, at Cafe Odeon, Alliance Francaise Oud Metha, 7.30pm.
The tracks are "Call to Action", "Mapmaker", "Listen: Mbira", "When I Go", "All Around You", "Listen: Oud", "Speak To Me", "Wordless", "Sense of Touch", "Listen: ERHU", "In Another Life", "Listen: Theorbo", "Remember When", and "The Day Before Tomorrow".
The eight singers of I Fagiolini under Robert Hollingworth were accompanied by a continuo of chamber organ plus various sizes of theorbo, as well as two violins and the six-strong English Cornett and Sackbut Ensemble.
The harpsichordist's part is figured only in the prologue, and the theorbist's lacks figures entirely; other evidence makes clear that the harpsichordist did not actually use this part (might he have played from a score instead?), and an eventual decision not to use theorbo at all would resonate with the state of continuo playing at the Opera in 1730.
The Bach Festival now is a member in good standing of the Early Music Movement, rendering Bach's works with period instruments such as the viola da gamba, theorbo, oboe da caccia and wooden flute.
Darryl Taylor, countertenor; Jory Vinikour, harpsichord; Ann Marie Morgan, baroque cello; Deborah Fox, theorbo. (Naxos 9.70246-47; 58:39, 61:47)
Correspondence with the ensemble revealed that the theorbo player, Istvan Gyori, created a performing edition of Serenata teatrale based on the Hamburg manuscript (10).
BEMF Artistic Directors Paul O'Dette and Stephen Stubbs are both lutenists, so the basso continuo throughout is rich and full, featuring harpsichord or organ, theorbo or Baroque guitar, and sometimes Baroque harp.