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(Animals) any mammal in the subclass Theria, which includes marsupials
(Zoology) of or relating to the mammal subclass Theria, which includes marsupials
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"[T]here's also a way for people to play multiplayer straight off the bat if they want, we'll support both ways," Therian said.
The tri-segmented limbs of therian mammals: kinematics, dynamics, and self-stabilization--a review.
This demonstrated that the putative PEG10 retrotransposon was inserted into the genome of a common therian ancestor and became an endogenous gene before the divergence of the eutherians and marsupials 160 million years ago (Ma) (Fig.
The faunule is composed exclusively of therian forms, and more specifically of zhelestid eutherians.
We found that this region including chloride channel protein 5 (clcn5) is highly conserved in X1 chromosomes of mammalian monotremes such as platypus and also in the PAR region of the X chromosome of therian mammals, indicating a previously unrecognized evolutionary link from fish to mammals [39].
The Earliest Tertiary Therian Mammal from South America.
Joseph Moynihan and the doubles team of Lukas Therian and Ryan Hartman won for the Patriots.
"They re competing against both internal combustion engines and alternative fuels like fuel cells, compressed natural gas and things like that," said Matt Therian, an analyst with Connecticut-based IPO research house Renaissance Capital.
"The market opportunity for their pipeline products is about $6 billion and they are highly profitable," said Matt Therian, an analyst with Connecticut-based investment firm Renaissance Capital.
The two most obvious features present in therian mammals but not shared by birds are a claustrum and the neocortical cytoarchitecture, including neurons with polarized dendrites, cortical columns, a great variety of cell types, and a highly stratified organization of afferent innervation.
An ontogenetic assessment of dental homologies in therian mammals.