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Related to trueness: truthfully, truer


adj. tru·er, tru·est
a. Consistent with fact or reality; not false or erroneous: the true cost. See Synonyms at real1. See Usage Note at fact.
b. Not counterfeit; real or genuine: true gold. See Synonyms at authentic.
c. Conforming to the characteristics or criteria of a group or type; typical: a true crab; a true gentleman.
d. Properly called: true value.
2. Reliable; accurate: a true prophecy.
a. Faithful, as to a friend, vow, or cause; loyal. See Synonyms at faithful.
b. Archaic Truthful, honest, or trustworthy.
4. Sincerely felt or expressed; unfeigned: true grief.
5. Rightful; legitimate: the true heir.
a. Exactly conforming to a rule, standard, or pattern: trying to sing true B.
b. Accurately shaped, fitted, or placed: Are the wheels true?
c. Determined with reference to the earth's axis, not the magnetic poles: true north.
7. Quick and exact in sensing and responding: a true ear.
8. Computers Indicating one of two possible values taken by a variable in Boolean logic or a binary device.
1. In accord with reality, fact, or truthfulness.
2. Unswervingly; exactly: The archer aimed true.
3. So as to conform to a type, standard, or pattern.
tr.v. trued, tru·ing or true·ing, trues
To position (something) so as to make it balanced, level, or square: trued up the long planks.
1. Truth or reality. Used with the.
2. Proper alignment or adjustment: out of true.

[Middle English trewe, from Old English trēowe, firm, trustworthy; see deru- in Indo-European roots.]

true′ness n.
Word History: The words true and tree are joined at the root, etymologically speaking. In Old English, the words looked and sounded much more alike than they do now: "tree" was trēow and "true" was trēowe. The first of these comes from the Germanic noun *trewam; the second, from the adjective *treuwaz. Both these Germanic words ultimately go back to an Indo-European root *deru- or *dreu-, appearing in derivatives referring to wood and, by extension, firmness. Truth may be thought of as something firm; so too can certain bonds between people, like trust, another derivative of the same root. A slightly different form of the root, *dru-, appears in the word druid, a type of ancient Celtic priest; his name is etymologically *dru-wid-, or "strong seer."
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


  1. Deceptive as a cat’s fur —Margaret Atwood
  2. Deceptive as a Venus flytrap —Vivian Raynor, New York Times, February 27, 1987

    Ms. Raynor’s simile refers to the fleeting and misleading resemblance of one artist’s work to another’s.

  3. Deceptive as new paint on a second-hand car —Herbert V. Prochnow
  4. False as a lead coin —George Garrett
  5. Falser than a weeping crocodile —John Dryden
  6. Falser than malice in the mouth of envy —Mary Pin
  7. Good and true as morning —Babs H. Deal
  8. Right as rain —William Raymond

    An older, less commonly used version from Shakespeare’s Richard III: “Right as snow in harvest.”

  9. Ring as true as chapel bells on a windless morning —Anon
  10. Ring true, like good china —Sylvia Plath
  11. True as life itself —Louis Bromfield
  12. True as the dial to the sun —Barton Booth
  13. (I found him large as life and) true as the needle to the pole —Henry James
  14. True as the sky is blue —James Reiss
  15. True as truth —Louis Bromfield
  16. The true is stripped from the false like bone from meat —George Garrett
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.trueness - conformity to reality or actuality; "they debated the truth of the proposition"; "the situation brought home to us the blunt truth of the military threat"; "he was famous for the truth of his portraits"; "he turned to religion in his search for eternal verities"
actuality - the state of actually existing objectively; "a hope that progressed from possibility to actuality"
2.Trueness - the quality of being loyaltrueness - the quality of being loyal    
faithfulness, fidelity - the quality of being faithful
staunchness, steadfastness - loyalty in the face of trouble and difficulty
fealty, allegiance - the loyalty that citizens owe to their country (or subjects to their sovereign)
nationalism, patriotism - love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it; "they rode the same wave of popular patriotism"; "British nationalism was in the air and patriotic sentiments ran high"
regionalism - loyalty to the interests of a particular region
3.Trueness - exactness of adjustmenttrueness - exactness of adjustment; "I marveled at the trueness of his aim"
exactitude, exactness - the quality of being exact; "he demanded exactness in all details"; "a man of great exactitude"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
حَقيقيّه، صِدْق، إخلاص


(truː) adjective
1. (negative untrue) telling of something that really happened; not invented; agreeing with fact; not wrong. That is a true statement; Is it true that you did not steal the ring?
2. (negative untrue) accurate. They don't have a true idea of its importance.
3. (negative untrue) faithful; loyal. He has been a true friend.
4. properly so called. A spider is not a true insect.
ˈtrueness noun
ˈtruly adverb
1. really. I truly believe that this decision is the right one.
2. in a true manner. He loved her truly.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
Thus had I sunken one day From mine own truth-insanity, From mine own fervid day-longings, Of day aweary, sick of sunshine, --Sunk downwards, evenwards, shadowwards: By one sole trueness All scorched and thirsty: --Bethinkst thou still, bethinkst thou, burning heart, How then thou thirstedest?- THAT I SHOULD BANNED BE FROM ALL THE TRUENESS!
The even carriage between two factions, proceedeth not always of moderation, but of a trueness to a man's self, with end to make use of both.
It's the greatest and grandest verse in the Bible--or in any literature--and the TRUEST, if there are comparative degrees of trueness. And it's the first duty of a man to tell the truth, as he sees it and believes it."
On the contrary, it was primarily owing to its simplicity, logicality, its Prophet's great modesty, his trueness to his promises and his unlimited faithfulness towards every Muslim that many people willingly accepted Islam.'
TEa is a model that combines both imprecision and bias (Trueness) of a method to calculate the impact on a test result.
Although the treatment planning with the 3D Endo software was shown to be accurate in terms of trueness and precision, root canal length should still be clinically verified.
According to the official rules, the signature dishes were judged "on trueness to Italian cuisine's basic tenets: technique, presentation, flavor balance and taste," and the second dishes were intended to test the contestants' creativity and imagination.
Consider an Image G in the neutrosophic domain with four functions (T, I, F, [pi]) describing the three levels of trueness, indeterminacy and falseness with hesitancy degree as previously explained in 2.
Although the PT/ EQA criteria for acceptable performance fall into the lowest class, these survey programs are well established globally and require goals for TAE because only a single measurement is allowed on survey samples and that measurement is subject to both random and systematic errors, i.e., precision and trueness. Thus, there is an ongoing need for the TAE model and goals for TAE.
The sweet quality of their voices and trueness of their singing, both remarked on by Freitag, are evidence of the degree to which their musicianship was more aural than literate.
Truth, trueness, true value: these terms have become part of the clinical laboratory lexicon over the past decade.