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(tsɪˈɡɑːn; sɪ-)
a. a Gypsy, esp a Hungarian one
b. (as modifier): Tzigane music.
[C19: via French from Hungarian czigány Gypsy, of uncertain origin]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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She studied classical violin and has collaborated with the Complot Eminent Tzigane and QuaiJazz bands and has also created the Atys Duo.
25," Ravel's "Tzigane," Saint-Saens's "Danse macabre," Franck's "Le chasseur maudit," and Dukas's "L'apprenti sorcier."
There was perhaps a shade too much gipsy music in the offerings, though I wouldn't have missed le Page's understatedly virtuosic Tzigane, composed by Ravel for d'Aranyi, and scattered with demanding multiple-stoppings.
called Gypsies, Tzigane, Kale, Manush, Travellers, Sinti (in Central
The shelter was inundated with questions and comments on its Facebook page, including one from user Lydia Tzigane about a rumour that "55 kittens… have been released in the desert".
3 and Ravel's Tzigane -- Concert Rhapsody for violin and orchestra, two brilliant works that allow the violinist plenty of virtuoso moments (the concerts will also feature the Symphony Pro Musica orchestra playing Debussy's marvelous La Mer).
(26.) See for example, the play and film Bent, depicting persecution of homosexuals, and Ava Kadishson Schieber's story "Tzigane," featuring the murder of gypsies in Auschwitz (Soundless Roar [Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2002], 97-104).
The reviewed CD pack contains Haendel's accounts of minor pieces with piano, as well as larger opuses (concertos by Wieniawski and Glazunov, Lab's Symphonic espagnole, Ravel's Tzigane).
Straight from the Balkans, brass band P4 will perform Tzigane, an electrified music full of creativity, humor and energy.
La ceremonie d'ouverture du festival, a laquelle ont assiste, le conseiller de SM le Roi et president fondateur de l'Association Essaouira Mogador, Andre Azoulay, le gouverneur de la province d'Essaouira, Abdelouahab El Jabri, et des ambassadeurs de nombreux pays, a ete ponctuee par des interpretations d'oeuvres de Beethoven (Sonate +A kreutzer+ op.47), Brahms (Sonate n 3 op.108) et Ravel (Tzigane), offrant au public l'occasion de vivre des instants musicaux d'une rare qualite emotionnelle.