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not denied
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References in classic literature ?
He's expected at noon, and no wight till he comes May profane the great chair, or the porridge of plums For the best of the cheer, and the seat by the fire, Is the undenied right of the Barefooted Friar.
More words from Jacky were necessary--words unequivocal, undenied.
As a consequence the coverage is often negative and the rumours go undenied. When he first arrived at the club, Barcelona are reported to have sent him a personal chef to stop him eating junk food at home.
Asiedu added that such former leaders, who are often drafted to mediate among key actors often at the instance of electoral stalemate, usually enjoy acceptability and undenied access to both incumbent governments, the opposition and other actors.
do not present a picture of grandiosity and elation but that of a quiet inner triumph with an admixture of undenied melancholy.
There has been abundance of undenied evidence ofthe Israeli direct and indirect support to theterrorist organizations operating in Syria, the last but notthe least of which was the Israeli aggression onal-Amal farms in Quneitra few days ago in a blatantviolation of the UN resolutions on thedisengagement area in the occupied Syrian Golan.
The violations of our rights are obvious, undenied and undeniable.
Clr Pankhurst has brought nothing but shame on himself and the Greens by his undenied actions.
do not make it any less unlawful." (115) Importantly, the reason was that "the undenied objective of [the lawyers'] boycott was an economic advantage for those who agreed to participate." (116) Thus, regardless of the content of the lawyers' speech, its motivation was its undoing.
But there has been much undenied speculation that she will put her name forward to become Cardiff West's Labour Assembly candidate to replace Rhodri Morgan when he stands down in 2011.
Who was previously suspended from Eton for smoking cannabis, according to undenied reports this year?