

(of a person, attitude, etc) not jaded
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The grammar he had taken along he went through again and again until his unjaded brain had mastered it.
He's naive and unjaded, in contrast to Ruby and her cynical friends.
I'm not suggesting we attempt to package our students, although even the most unjaded applicants may feel by the end of the process that they now, unavoidably, have shtick.
By involving such a multifarious cohort of chorus-members, Birmingham Opera Company has injected a huge element of unjaded, non-cynical enthusiasm into its tackling of Tippett's kaleidoscopic score.
"It feels like everybody we're working with is very unjaded. There's an excitement in it that's pure."
"If I can sum up my position in a nutshell, I'm very unjaded about my pride and my life's body of work, with all these good singing performances and all this great fortune I've had in the recording studio," the 71-yearold Garfunkel says, speaking by telephone from his Manhattan apartment.
Sheridan makes an especially strong impression, possessing not only the intensity to propel the story through its 130-minute running time but also a sensitivity that reads as unjaded by the world around him--a world fully steeped in the texture of its Arkansas Delta environs without needing to inject the sort of picturesque cutaways d.p.
Unjaded by her experience of the road to fame, she wrote her new - and 41st - album Better Day as an optimistic look at life to counterbalance the lowering of spirits caused by the US's current financial troubles and political infighting.
But if you look at the unjaded face of kids who have just caught one, you'll see an honest, unaffected and deserving appreciation of this little native - without contempt for its familiarity.
It is in many ways advantageous to use a collection of citizens unjaded by the daily grind of courtroom litigation to pass judgment in individual cases.
I OFTEN wonder how Liverpool appears to a first-time visitor, someone unjaded by unfulfilled promises or complacency; a completely fresh pair of eyes.