
Related to unlicked: unlock


not licked
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
"I never could understand how Nataly made up her mind to marry that unlicked bear!
These unlicked cubs who thought they could out-drink ME!
Humorous half-columns in the local papers, written in the customary silly way by unlicked cub reporters just out of grammar school, tickled the fancy of San Francisco for a fleeting moment in that the steamship Mariposa had rescued some sea-waifs possessed of a cock-and-bull story that not even the reporters believed.
Pepper was a bore; Rachel was an unlicked girl, no doubt prolific of confidences, the very first of which would be: "You see, I don't get on with my father." Willoughby, as usual, loved his business and built his Empire, and between them all she would be considerably bored.
The "freshettes" stood about in detached groups of two or three, looking askance at each other; the "freshies," wiser in their day and generation, had banded themselves together on the big staircase of the entrance hall, where they were shouting out glees with all the vigor of youthful lungs, as a species of defiance to their traditional enemies, the Sophomores, a few of whom were prowling loftily about, looking properly disdainful of the "unlicked cubs" on the stairs.
I was followed by the leader of the grim faction--an unlicked curate of the largest dimensions.
The unlicked cub of a common constable seemed to eye me the more suspiciously for the flattering form of my address.
'If you scratched my tummy', he recalled of his early, unlicked self, 'I would roll over and be yours'.
unlicked, incondite things--villainously pranked in an affected array of antique modes and phrases." (2) Ever since Lamb characterized this quaintness as "natural" to himself, this has been the standard justification of his stylistic mannerisms.
Is not my home among the howling savages of an unlicked, untutored world, and is it not my duty to improve my opportunities and my manners by beholding Shahs and Queens?
His reaction, like Goethe's later on, was to see Beethoven as an "unlicked bear." DeNora tends to view such rebellious personal qualities within the context of an endorsement by influential aristocratic patrons such as Lichnowsky of the now unfashionable and even politically suspect ideology of the "great man"--the Romantic prototype of genius, which Beethoven came to embody in the popular imagination.
He scrutinised the long prehistory and short history of his country -- `this whimpering second unlicked self my country' -- in a search for a basis for a healthy culture.