

vb (tr)
(Hairdressing & Grooming) to undo or unbraid (plaited hair)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Come, come, get on your dressing-gown and unplait your hair."
Her long, thin, practiced fingers rapidly unplaited, replaited, and tied up her plait.
I thought how, if unplaited, it would have covered her all round as low as the hips, like the hair of a siren.
Coloured, traditional, native, unplaited, sponsored by C S McKerlie: 1 Karen McGowan (The Lowest Magic Monkey); 2 G Findlater (Ludo); 3 Pam Norton (Dancy Nancy); 4 Carrie-Ann Howat (Summer Storm); 5 Karolina Szafer (Holly Marsh Martini); 6 Donald Smith (Fernando).
As the sprites unravel the braid, Osage County First Grade begins to realize we have not seen Shannon O'Shea, until at last, page after page is unplaited and THERE, two red shoes can be seen, and on the next page is SHANNON O'SHEA.
At a funeral, the badaya's role as animator is to evoke tears in the mourners, both the bereaved and those who have come in sympathy, while the bereaved widow daubs her face with mud, unplaits her hair, scoops dust from the ground, and flings it on her head in mourning, even ripping her garments apart in a frenzied display of grief.
She hugged her after Vivian had unplaited her braids and her tresses fell off her shoulders like snakes, and she showed her how to make long strokes with her silver-backed brush, and how to get out tangles by pushing her comb's teeth into the centre of each knot.
infill, so dips unplaited membrane of field to an uncarrying of root,
"What has been plaited cannot be unplaited. Only the strands grow richer with each loss and memory makes kings and queens of us.