

1. (Horticulture) not pruned or trimmed
2. (Zoology) not pruned or smoothed out with the beak
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Presently she started up, exclaiming that they would be late for breakfast; and they hurried back to the tumble-down house with its pointless porch and unpruned hedge of plumbago and pink geraniums where the Wellands were installed for the winter.
Daylight could see that it had been a stiff struggle, and that wild nature showed fresh signs of winning--chaparral that had invaded the clearings; patches and parts of patches of vineyard, unpruned, grassgrown, and abandoned; and everywhere old stake-and-rider fences vainly striving to remain intact.
2) And here there grows, unpruned, untamed, Terror to foemen's spear, A tree in Asian soil unnamed, By Pelops' Dorian isle unclaimed, Self-nurtured year by year;
Adam walked round by the rick-yard, at present empty of ricks, to the little wooden gate leading into the garden--once the well- tended kitchen-garden of a manor-house; now, but for the handsome brick wall with stone coping that ran along one side of it, a true farmhouse garden, with hardy perennial flowers, unpruned fruit- trees, and kitchen vegetables growing together in careless, half- neglected abundance.
Though in this city, more than any other, talent rises untamed and unpruned. This is shown in our ceaseless flow of poets, musicians, painters, comedians and sculptors.
Pruning was a binary variable, because plots were either pruned and the variable was coded 1, or unpruned and the variable was coded 0.
This improves the quality and early yields of fruits but may reduce total yields compared with the same planting density of unstacked and unpruned plants.
Monterey Phoenix basically visualizes that unpruned tree, enabling the human to step in and decide which branches to keep and which to reject.
Old-timers like to say you should be able to "pitch a cat through a properly pruned tree, never hitting a branch." (It goes without saying that method of testing should not be employed.) While unpruned trees can reach 15 to 20 feet in height, proper pruning can keep them at a manageable 8 to 10 feet.
The experiment used a random 2 x 4 + 1 factorial block design, with two levels of the main stem pruning factor (pruned and unpruned), four levels of the fruit thinning factor (42, 45, 48, and 51 days after seeding--DAS), and a control (unpruned and unthinned), with four repetitions.
You can even leave them unpruned and then hard prune them every three to four years in late winter, cutting them back to around 50cm (1.5ft) and retraining the new growth.
The main purpose of this research was to design a precise timing behavior detection method that can identify and locate stills, falls, and their time nodes in unpruned long videos.