
Also found in: Medical.


not sharp
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In recent years, the methods based on active contour have been widely used; however some methods should be manually set the initial mask, and these methods may falsely segment for unsharp or low contrast iris images.
Brightness and contrast were adjusted using the "Adjust Levels" command on the entire image, and "Unsharp Mask" filter was used where necessary to enhance sharpness.
Some techniques are used for zooming, Laplacian sharpening, contrast brightness, optical deblurring, turbulence deblurring, exposure, temperature tint, Wiener filter, bilateral filter, unsharp masking and homomorphic filter.
The crater rim and some of the rock layers needed a little unsharp masking to bring out detail.
We were able to obtain best results by improving image quality using global histogram equalization contrast to unsharp masking (UMS) as well as contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE).
Urooj, "Unsharp masking approaches for HVS based enhancement of mammographic masses: A comparative evaluation," Future Generation Computer Systems, vol.
Using the standstill time again would result in a good matching of the average vehicle speed; however the flanks of the longitudinal acceleration and the rpm curvature while clutch operating would get unsharp. Thus, we introduce the points in time when the clutch is opened and closed as reference points for splitting and aligning the data.
in Enhanced Document Classification Technique using Extreme Learning Machine Classifier with Fuzzy Unsharp Marking Scheme.
Nor did 'unsharp,' 'blurred', or 'elastic.' In the end, I couldn't think of anything more accurate, so I settled on 'fuzzy'."
In the proposed paper, at first some preprocessing is done utilizing specific middle separating took after by unsharp covering.
Eyes were examined using the Micron III retinal imaging system (Phoenix Research Labs, CA, USA), and raw images were adjusted for levels, enhanced contrast, and sharpened by applying an unsharp mask (100%, 2px, 0) using Photoshop CS6 (Adobe, Ca, USA).