

(Cookery) not sliced
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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400g Extra Special sourdough boule loaf (unsliced) ?
We had Viggo Mortensen folding an entire, unsliced pizza and eating it like a sandwich in Green Book (even the haters had to chuckle a little).
Crucially, they are provided unsliced helping caterers serve up bespoke portion sizes, depending on the day part and occasion.
Due to the sliced character of LLC, size of the search space might be different from that of unsliced LLC because it would depend on the number of slices in addition to the bits between the bits belonging to cache indexing bits but outside the range of page offset bits.
With a sharp knife, slice the cucumber into circles from one end to the other horizontally, but not all the way down the bottom; leave about one centimeter on the bottom of the cucumber unsliced.
figure By KALTUM GUYObr Boflo, or unsliced bread, was one of those rare treats some of us used to look forward to in boarding school.
Also, we prefer to keep the steak unsliced for the guests to slice it, as slicing the steak drains the juice onto the plate.
thick), or unsliced skirt steak 1 can (12 oz.) Mexican lager beer, such as Modelo or Corona 2 lbs.
Basically, it's an unsliced futomaki with the ends enclosed, and usually has a filling that leans more towards Japan than Mexico, the burrito element referencing the shape (though guacamole is a popular addition).
The first group (D0) was given the N-free basal diet and the second group (DI) was fed with reference diet (egg white), while the test groups (DII, DIII, DIV, and DV) were randomly allocated to the diets containing test ingredients (sun-dried and unsliced A.
Besides sharing, tips to avoid waste include putting any in-date bread in a sealed bag and freezing it (slice it if it's unsliced) as it can be toasted from frozen when you get back home.
These lines divide the plot of [pi] into a t X u grid of unsliced regions for integers t and u satisfying t + u [less than or equal to] 4(k - 1)[.sup.2] + 2.