

adj, -fier or -fiest
1. not stuffy; well-ventilated
2. not stuffy or old-fashioned; not overly formal or stiff
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The 104-room refreshed hotel offers a distinct, unstuffy and exciting new hotel experience for guests.
TUDOR FARMHOUSE HOTEL CLEARWELL, GLOS WHERE AND WHY Tudor Farmhouse Hotel in the Forest of Dean promises to be "the perfect place to kick back and relax" and you can't help being struck by how unstuffy, charming and classy this rural bolthole is.
Because it's mid-mountain, it's decidedly unstuffy: Dine in your ski boots if you want.
As a man, he was unstuffy, congenial and without prejudice.
Region Kitchen and Bar, the latest venture from popular local chef Dave Perlick, recently opened in Barrington, offering upscale food, a full bar and great service in a decidedly unstuffy high-end space.
Many clients appreciate Capital Law's 'entrepreneurial and unstuffy approach' and since its entrance on the market in 2006 it has continued its upward trajectory and is firmly established as one of the leading full-service firms in the market with clients including the Royal Mint and the British Medical Association.
Harry and Meghan want to be "unstuffy" royals so a holiday at the seaside resort will help blow away the Windsor cobwebs.
But the show has been put together well, and is a fun, unstuffy introduction to theatre for little ones.
His cooking at EMP is refreshingly unstuffy. In fact, it's straightforward, at least on the surface, even if there's complexity underlying it.
But the institution has moved on with the times, and the romance between Markle and Harry has a decidedly unstuffy, modern feel to it.