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Related to unsubtly: subtlety


in an unsubtle manner; not subtly; with a lack of subtlety
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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One resident accused Tranmere Rovers of "slowly and unsubtly taking over the whole area."
organizing principle," she argues, "subtly and unsubtly
Bonow does helpfully explain to a couple of kids that she doesn't call pro-lifers "pro-life," but prefers to refer to them as "anti-choice." After all, Bonow says unsubtly, "pro-life" is just a propaganda term because pro-lifers don't want to take care of the poor, or help people who have given birth to their babies.
(78) Yet, in Thorne the autonomy recognised in the statement above is missing and the risks have been unsubtly shifted from one party to the other.
Apart from using this column unsubtly as proof to my boss that I was off for a genuine reason last week and the fact my days off straddled the England World Cup clash with Colombia was just a coincidence, it just struck me as appropriate to outline a low-key service it provides that is as much a part of its necessity as the more eye-catching ones.
Or you're unsubtly putting the decision back on the questioner because you don't want the responsibility, or can't be bothered to think of anything.
The West End dancer, who is just coupled up with Alex as friends, worries her place in the villa at risk and unsubtly goes about sabotaging Dr Love.
I have kept some of the scribbled notes he rather unsubtly pushed across the table to me during witness evidence sessions and his observations make me giggle every time.
In fact she loves fuss so much that when you stop she very unsubtly taps you with her paw, nudges you with her head and even licks your hand to ask for more.
Rambo spotted a code which unsubtly uses the term "has HDR." This is enough reason for him to state that the discovery is "yet another confirmation" of what Apple is planning for the next Apple TV installment and the iTunes content it will be offering for the device.
Sullivan has also been at pains to point out how the manager's top targets were delivered, unsubtly putting more pressure on a manager who has had a noose resting on his shoulders, waiting to be hoisted, since being allowed to go into the final year of his deal without the offer of a new contract.