

not timed; not regulated with respect to time
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The event also marks the first opportunity to purchase untimed entry tickets for the upcoming exhibition.
Entrants compete in a timed stair climb race covering 2,700 stairs (2.7 kilometers) around the Air Force Academy's Falcon Stadium or participate in a shorter, untimed Fun Wave around the lower portion of Falcon Stadium.
"It is non competitive and untimed therefore creating a low pressure environment aimed at any ability."
Participants looking to do something different with their weekend took on the Tough Mudder 5K, which is an untimed format.
The run is untimed and at the finish there'll be a glass of mulled wine, a minced pie and a fabulous medal waiting for you.
A 5km run is an untimed event where runners are doused from head to toe in different colors at each kilometre.
Participants will be completing an untimed 3 kilometre walk followed by a 10km run, wearing customised athletic gear styled to celebrate the UAE flag colours.
Having struggled to run 2k untimed at first, he now does regular 5k park runs in around 22.5 minutes.
It is different in nature because it's untimed, and the orientation is for participants to help each other finish the course in the Pinoy spirit of "bayanihan."
The paper, titled the 'Futility of current urine salbutamol doping control,' concluded that it was not feasible to determine a dosage level based on the results of a single 'untimed' urine sample.
But sadly, scientists from the University of Warwick cast a doubt on this theory and believe the famous bird met an untimed murderous-end after being shot in the neck and back of the head.