

not capable of succeeding, esp financially: the pit had proved economically unviable.
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Legarda, is allowed to put up and operate solar grids in remote and unviable, unserved and underserved areas in the country.
(SPSB), allowing it to serve remote, unviable and underserserved areas in some provinces.
11357, the solar firm is allowed to supply and distribute power in remote and unviable areas as well as unserved or underserved parts of the country to improve access to sustainable energy.
"There is nothing fundamentally unviable about it (federalism).
Summary: New Delhi [India] June 21(ANI/NewsVoir): Medical Technology Association of India, which represents leading research-based medical technology companies with significant investments in India, today said that the government's move to set up specialist committees to review package rates for more than 1300 health procedures under AB-PMJAY gives a chance to correct the currently low and unviable rates for several procedures.
A DEVELOPER of a huge proposed student housing block in Cardiff has raised concerns the scheme could be unviable due to lack of demand.
Yesterday, with Westall, of no fixed address, absent, Justice Davis apologised and told the jury: "We've reached a stage where it's frankly unviable for you to fairly try the case and reach proper verdicts."
Politicians asked for further information from the firm after representatives claimed that the original amount would render the development unviable. Councillors will consider the report on Monday.
One-third of our payments are cash, but the system will become commercially unviable within two to five years, say business chiefs.
Developers were forced to abandon a previous plan for the former cattle sanatorium site after contractor Carillion collapsed and the scheme became financially unviable.
imposes a 25% tariff on Chinese-made smartphones, higher supply chain costs will make manufacturing in China unviable for some companies.