

(Fortifications) not surrounded by walls, not having or protected by walls
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Bert came to houses of the same detached, unwalled, wooden type, but adorned now with enamelled advertisements partly in English and partly in Esperanto.
Does it occur to all of us that the whole country has become an unwalled camp of the displaced?
In its nomination, the Turner Prize jury highlighted Abu Hamdan's video installation "Walled Unwalled," 2018, his solo exhibition "Earwitness Theater" at London's Chisenhale Gallery (Sept.
Abu Hamdan was shortlisted for his solo exhibition "Earwitness Theatre" and for the video installation "Walled Unwalled: and performance After SFX at Tate Modern, London.
Trump's attempt at political expediency presents a danger to the nation far in excess of that presented by an unwalled border.
When the novel begins, Shalini is in the Tower, taken away from her husband Riz and three-year-old daughter Leila because they refused to live in a walled sector, choosing to make their home in the East End, the only remaining unwalled and 'free' neighbourhood.
Almost as a footnote to the exhibition, Mueller evoked the impossible idea of the gallery as an unwalled passageway continuous with the street, for instance by scattering around it bottles of mineral water and stray lemons, as though passersby had abandoned them along the way.
DIAGNOSIS: Straight to meandering burrows that are unbranched, unwalled, and backfilled in segments of tightly packed sediment that vary considerably in width.
Contrary to virtual reality on the World Wide Web, e-commerce is not a single, unwalled entity where consumers wander in and out sans boundaries.
Jokneam: A fortified city existed at the site in the Iron Age, but the impressive fortification system went out of use in the Assyrian period and the remains from this time "represent a poor, unwalled settlement" (Ben-Tor 1993a: 807; see also table on p.
These foci have precluded adequate attention to the small, unwalled settlements and domestic spaces inhabited by the Israelite peasant class.