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(Forestry) not wooded; lacking woods or trees
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.unwooded - not woodedunwooded - not wooded        
cleared - rid of objects or obstructions such as e.g. trees and brush; "cleared land"; "cleared streets free of fallen trees and debris"; "a cleared passage through the underbrush"; "played poker on the cleared dining room table"
wooded - covered with growing trees and bushes etc; "wooded land"; "a heavily wooded tract"
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References in classic literature ?
Anxious to draw him away from the subject, if possible--for I saw that it would be in vain to attempt changing his mind--I directed his attention to a long bright unwooded tract of land which, sweeping down from the elevations in the interior, descended into the valley before us.
"Northumberland is generally unwooded, but place names indicate old woods which often tend to be on the boundaries of ancient townships."
Good indies should have Boland Cellars Reserve No1 Chenin Blanc Unwooded. Plenty of fruit, but also a richness.
Philip Viljoen -- Bon Courage Chardonnay Unwooded 2017 and Noble Late Harvest 2016 (Weisser Riesling/GewAaAaAeAe-rztramine
3) Chateau Mercian Nagano's Chardonnay Unwooded 2015 from Japan, the Gold Award winner of the International Wine Challenge 2017.
With little land that's either flat or unwooded, the Mountain State is a challenging place to bowhunt.
It is also clear that unwooded landscapes developed naturally along Iceland's southern coasts long before the Viking period.
(92) Yalumba Unwooded Chardonnay 2014 (South Australia).
palustris land (22,284 ha), bottomland (3082 ha), and unwooded land (3151 ha).
Since the anti-oak movement took hold a few years ago, 'Unwooded' or 'Unoaked' Chardonnay has become a ubiquitous household designation almost entirely associated with most Cypriot Chardonnay, and it's a designation almost always for cheaper Chardonnay compared to oaked.