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(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in India) an ambassador, attorney, agent or headman
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Director General Licensing Vakil Ahmed Khan informed the audience that eight licenses would be auctioned for News and current affairs category, 27 in entertainment, 12 in regional , five in sports, 12 in education, four in health and two in agricultural category.
KARACHI -- Former national athlete and academician Vakil Nasir died after protracted illness at a local hospital the other day.
"Bollywood Boulevard: A Journey Through Hindi Cinema" was created by MELA Productions and co-executive producers Heena Patel and Rushi Vakil. Patel, the performance's artistic director, founded and has choreographed several award-winning Indian dance teams after learning both folk and Bollywood dancing as a child.
"We don't have obviously 100 per cent accurate statistics, as the [US] sanctions were imposed last November, but a lot of anecdotal and indicative reports suggest there are going to be significant job losses in a number of industries, particularly the automobiles sector," said Sanam Vakil, senior consulting research fellow in the Middle East and North Africa programme at London-based think tank Chatham House.
Sanam Vakil, senior consulting research fellow at Chatham House for the MENA region, said there had been early indications that the original deal was flawed.
He expressed the hope that after arrival of these satellite channels health completion n the media industry would increase.Director General Licencing Vakil Ahmed Khan said that the process of this
On the night before the elections, Vakil Sahib, with a lantern and a megaphone in hand, walked around the area making a simple appeal to vote for the lantern.
The MoU, which comes in the backdrop of the inaugural South Asia Investor Conference (SAIC), co-hosted by the three firms in Colombo recently, was signed by Managing Director Nasiruddin Chowdhury on behalf of Lanka Bangla Securities, Chief Operating Officer Naveed Vakil on behalf of AKD Securities and Group CEO Ajith Fernando on behalf of CAL.
The agreements were signed by PPIB Managing Director Shah Jahan Mirza, Lucky Electric Coal Project Director Mohammad Asad and Siddiqsons Energy Coal Project Chief Operating Officer Muhammad Abdul Vakil. Earlier, Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) of both projects were executed on March 7, 2018.
JMI Equity, a growth equity firm focused on investing in software companies, has announced the promotion of Suken Vakil and Randy Guttman to General Partner, the company said.
Vakil has been named dean of the Division of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at Santiago Canyon College (Calif.).
Marina Home's Co-Founder, Khurshid Vakil, said,"The Arab world is historically known for being a global hub of art and culture and Marina Home is the product of that rich heritage, having been established in Dubai in 1997.