
(redirected from valorise)


tr.v. val·or·ized, val·or·iz·ing, val·or·iz·es
1. To establish and maintain the price of (a commodity) by governmental action.
2. To give or assign a value to, especially a higher value: "The prophets valorized history" (Mircea Eliade).

[Portuguese valorizar, from valor, value, from Late Latin; see valor.]

val′or·i·za′tion (-ər-ĭ-zā′shən) n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈvæləˌraɪz) or


(Economics) (tr) to fix and maintain an artificial price for (a commodity) by governmental action
[C20: back formation from valorization; see valour]
ˌvaloriˈzation, ˌvaloriˈsation n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈvæl əˌraɪz)

v.t. -ized, -iz•ing.
to maintain the value or price of (a commodity), esp. by subsidies or the government's purchase at a fixed price.
[1905–10; < Late Latin valor worth (see valor) + -ize]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: valorized
Gerund: valorizing

I valorize
you valorize
he/she/it valorizes
we valorize
you valorize
they valorize
I valorized
you valorized
he/she/it valorized
we valorized
you valorized
they valorized
Present Continuous
I am valorizing
you are valorizing
he/she/it is valorizing
we are valorizing
you are valorizing
they are valorizing
Present Perfect
I have valorized
you have valorized
he/she/it has valorized
we have valorized
you have valorized
they have valorized
Past Continuous
I was valorizing
you were valorizing
he/she/it was valorizing
we were valorizing
you were valorizing
they were valorizing
Past Perfect
I had valorized
you had valorized
he/she/it had valorized
we had valorized
you had valorized
they had valorized
I will valorize
you will valorize
he/she/it will valorize
we will valorize
you will valorize
they will valorize
Future Perfect
I will have valorized
you will have valorized
he/she/it will have valorized
we will have valorized
you will have valorized
they will have valorized
Future Continuous
I will be valorizing
you will be valorizing
he/she/it will be valorizing
we will be valorizing
you will be valorizing
they will be valorizing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been valorizing
you have been valorizing
he/she/it has been valorizing
we have been valorizing
you have been valorizing
they have been valorizing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been valorizing
you will have been valorizing
he/she/it will have been valorizing
we will have been valorizing
you will have been valorizing
they will have been valorizing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been valorizing
you had been valorizing
he/she/it had been valorizing
we had been valorizing
you had been valorizing
they had been valorizing
I would valorize
you would valorize
he/she/it would valorize
we would valorize
you would valorize
they would valorize
Past Conditional
I would have valorized
you would have valorized
he/she/it would have valorized
we would have valorized
you would have valorized
they would have valorized
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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Why ACC doesn't try to valorise this is beyond me ...
Ce n'etait pas une question d'Eldorado, mais une envie de vivre ailleurs et avoir la possibilite d'apprendre plus et de me baigner dans une societe qui valorise l'art et la culture.
Amiri said the event aims to valorise the work of the scientific community and stimulate an interest for science and curiosity about scientific jobs among youth.
[beaucoup moins que] Cette operation vise a valoriser et ameliorer l'elevage et la peche continentale ainsi que la production des proteines animales afin d'atteindre l'equilibre ecologique, car le poisson valorise l'eau du barrage[beaucoup plus grand que], a indique le directeur de la peche et des ressources halieutiques de Setif, Toufik Boutouchent.
Epicerol also partner with leading companies down the value chain who valorise the bio-based ECH in applications.
Hezbollah tenors were angered by the president's USEK speech and now by his more daring public remarks, which was why a high-ranking official told Al Liwa newspaper that the party preferred not to participate for now and wished to wait for a successor with whom it could valorise "what's golden."
Achieving breakthrough innovations in consumer products, ingredients and processes is vital to help consumers and customers further and to better valorise the milk of our members.
Conor, who beat Matthew Shore, 33, in the final, stunned experts in Dictionary Corner when he came up with words such as craniates, tzardoms, protamine and valorise.
The rapporteur argues that all too often when the difficulties faced by one or other firm in relation to European legislation are brought to the attention of MEPs, it is too late to make substantive amendments.The Parliament has also put forward several concrete proposals to consolidate enterprise policy at the European level: the generalisation of experimental measures to reduce VAT on all labour-intensive activities; a European status for apprentices with training exchanges between Member States to valorise vocational training; enhancing business advisory services to better assist enterprises in their development; measures on bankruptcy, the incidence of which increased in Europe over 2001...JJ:(HB)
Selon un communique de la radio algerienne, 1020 appels emanent de citoyens ayant valorise cette louable initiative alors que 14 autres appels ont ete effectues pour signaler des feux de forets.