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also ver·der·or  (vûr′dər-ər)
An official who oversees the protection and conservation of a forest in England, originally a judicial officer having charge of the royal forests of medieval England.

[Anglo-Norman, from verd, green, from Latin viridis.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Forestry) English legal history a judicial officer responsible for the maintenance of law and order in the royal forests
2. (Professions) English legal history a judicial officer responsible for the maintenance of law and order in the royal forests
[C16: from Anglo-French, from Old French verdier, from verd green, from Latin viridis; compare Latin viridārium plantation of trees]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


or ver•de•ror

(ˈvɜr dər ər)

a judicial officer in charge of the royal forests of England.
[1535–45; < Anglo-French verderer, Old French verd(i)er < Latin viridārius=virid(is) green + -ārius -ary (see -er2)]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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"Item, that between nones and vespers on the feast of James the Less the said brother John was observed upon the Brockenhurst road, near the spot which is known as Hatchett's Pond in converse with a person of the other sex, being a maiden of the name of Mary Sowley, the daughter of the King's verderer. Item, that after sundry japes and jokes the said brother John did lift up the said Mary Sowley and did take, carry, and convey her across a stream, to the infinite relish of the devil and the exceeding detriment of his own soul, which scandalous and wilful falling away was witnessed by three members of our order."
The forest's head verderer, Jonathan Gorelli, said attacks are rare and they are trying to identify the offenders.
astuntajame desimtmetyje (Dolf Zillman, Jening Bryant, Peter Verderer, Deci Ryan ir kt.), kiek veliau ir Europoje (Boschat, Hoffman-Riem 1994; Maconi 1998).
(31) John Barrowe was also Pembroke's creature and owed the earl his position as the king's falconer and as a verderer in the royal forest of Dean.
(We know that he diverted the revenues of an Ilford hospital, of which he was a trustee, to his son, Bamber Gascoyne--a prosecuting counsel at Canning's trial; also, that as a Verderer of Epping Forest, he permitted friends to enclose areas, to his own profit.) Nightingale, who bought the estate of Mamhead in Devon, died on the eve of the Canning scandal in 1752.
Here he lived much of the rest of his life in semi-seclusion, though he was at times a member of parliament, a magistrate, and verderer of the New Forest.
George Rose, for instance, "from a low situation had by Political activities made a very large fortune", as one observer contemptuously put it.(61) Rose's financial expertise at the Treasury was handsomely rewarded; by the late 1790s he was simultaneously Secretary to the Treasury, Master of the Exchequer Pleas, Verderer of the New Forest, Agent for Dominica and Clerk of the Parliaments.
Christmas lunch will be served in the beamed Verderer's Court, once the courthouse for the Foresters of Dean.
Another downhill track leads to the elegant structure of Dilke Bridge, soon there is the choice of a short cut - a path right along the aptly-named Spruce Ridge goes to Speech House - the 1676 building which housed the Verderer's Court - then over the ro ad and along paths to Cycle Centre.
Though William Mitford (1744-1827), Hampshire squire, member of parliament, verderer of the New Forest, wrote on a multitude of topics - military affairs, language, the Corn Laws, history of religion, architecture, among others - he is best known for his history of Greece from Homer to Alexander.