
(redirected from VERTS)
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1. Heraldry The color green.
a. Green vegetation serving as cover or food for deer. Used in English forest law.
b. The right to cut such vegetation.

[Middle English verte, from Anglo-Norman, feminine of verd; see verderer.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Law) the right to cut green wood in a forest
2. (Law) the wood itself
3. (Botany) the wood itself
4. (Forestry) the wood itself
5. (Heraldry) heraldry
a. the colour green
b. (as adjective, usually postpositive): a table vert.
6. (Colours) heraldry
a. the colour green
b. (as adjective, usually postpositive): a table vert.
[C15: from Old French verd, from Latin viridis green, from virēre to grow green]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. the heraldic color green.
2. Archaic.
a. the green leaves of forest vegetation, serving as food and cover for deer.
b. the right to cut the green wood of such vegetation.
[1400–50; late Middle English verte < Anglo-French, Middle French vert, verd < Latin viridis green =vir(ēre) to be green]


Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
*Turns to the green fern or "vert." Vert is French for "green."
"Argent, a bend vert between cotises dancette gules."
But I was interested in the preservation of the venison and the vert more than the hunters or woodchoppers, and as much as though I had been the Lord Warden himself; and if any part was burned, though I burned it myself by accident, I grieved with a grief that lasted longer and was more inconsolable than that of the proprietors; nay, I grieved when it was cut down by the proprietors themselves.
The next day, the great Southdown female family carriage, with the Earl's coronet and the lozenge (upon which the three lambs trottant argent upon the field vert of the Southdowns, were quartered with sable on a bend or, three snuff-mulls gules, the cognizance of the house of Binkie), drove up in state to Miss Crawley's door, and the tall serious footman handed in to Mr.
``I understand thee,'' said the King, ``and the Holy Clerk shall have a grant of vert and venison in my woods of Warncliffe.
L'objectif vise par les "gilets Verts" est de susciter une appropriation a la base des questions liees a l'environnement et a l'assainissement au Mali, a travers des seances de sensibilisation dans les rues et dans les maisons dans la capitale malienne.
Lae1/4aoinitiative est une preuve de la volontUu[c] de l haute autoritUu[c] du pays de protUu[c]ger lae1/4aoespace vert. Selon elle, il sera une motivation et un encouragement pour les citoyens de mettre en valeur et de multiplier les espaces verts.
In addition to their first New York location in the Flatiron District, VERTS plans to open four additional NYC locations in 2017.
Express Information Systems CEO Iris Schimke says helping VERTS Kebap to streamline its processes was key.
Les Verts avaient, rappelons-le, perdu leur dernier match de championnat alors que le sprint final s'apprete a demarrer.