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a. A formal expression of preference for a candidate for office or for a proposed resolution of an issue: Let's decide the matter by vote.
b. The act of voting: It took several votes to decide the matter.
c. A means by which such a preference is made known, such as a raised hand or a marked ballot: looked around the room and counted the votes in favor.
2. The number of votes cast in an election or to resolve an issue: a heavy vote in favor of the bill.
3. A group of voters alike in some way: the African-American vote; the rural vote.
4. The result of an election or referendum: The measure was defeated in a resounding negative vote.
5. The right to participate as a voter; suffrage: when the nation gave the vote to women.
v. vot·ed, vot·ing, votes
1. To express one's preference for a candidate or for a proposed resolution of an issue; cast a vote: voting against the measure.
2. To express a choice or an opinion: The children voted unanimously by jumping up and down.
1. To express one's preference for by vote: voted the straight Republican ticket.
2. To decide the disposition of by vote, as by electing or defeating: vote in a new mayor; voted out their representative; vote down the amendment.
3. To bring into existence or make available by vote: vote new funds for a program.
4. To be guided by in voting: vote one's conscience.
5. To declare or pronounce by general consent: voted the play a success.
6. Informal To state as a preference or opinion: I vote we eat out tonight.
vote with (one's) feet Informal
To indicate a preference or an opinion by leaving or entering a particular locale: "If older cities are allowed to decay and contract, can citizens who vote with their feet ... hope to find better conditions anywhere else?" (Melinda Beck).

[Middle English, vow, from Latin vōtum, from neuter past participle of vovēre, to vow.]

vot′a·ble, vote′a·ble adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


or vote•a•ble

(ˈvoʊ tə bəl)

capable of being voted upon.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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He then appeared to raise questions about Speaker John Bercow's decision to allow the votable motion, something Conservative MP Peter Bone (Wellingborough) also pressed further.
A Votable concept mapping approach to promoting students' attentional behavior: An Analysis of sequential behavioral patterns and brainwave data.
Reportedly, a total of 903 shareholders attended the Annual General Meeting, representing 78.7% of the total votable share capital.
A left-wing rump of the ruling Socialist Party is bitterly opposed to the Sunday trading law and has warned that it is "not votable in its current form." Meanwhile, some in the right-wing UMP party, which has been called to vote against the package, will defy party whips.
"There will be a votable motion at 10pm but until I know what the motion says and I've heard the evidence I won't make a decision on how to vote.
Hobson Manufacturing, leading aerospace fastener company, chooses the Votable.com social polling platform to engage customers in an interactive survey.
He went further by telling Parliament that it was 'unfortunate' that the motion put forward by Woodworth was even deemed votable. The comments were a response to Opposition Leader Thomas Mulcair (NDP) who had accused Harper of allowing the private member's motion to go forward as an attempt to signal his pro-life support to the Tories' social conservative base.
Upon completion of all of these transactions Sky will have 1,710,149,542 votable shares in issue.
It was not understandable why the financial powers of the Assembly were curtailed and in large parts the budget was made non-votable, as the defeat of the Government even on a votable item would have amounted to a vote of no-confidence.