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 (wŏsp, wôsp)
Any of numerous social or solitary hymenopterans of the suborder Apocrita, especially of the family Vespidae, that characteristically have a slender hairless body with a constricted abdomen, two pairs of membranous wings, a mouth adapted for biting or sucking, and in the females an ovipositor sometimes modified as a sting.

[Middle English waspe, from Old English wæps, wæsp.]

wasp′y adj.


or Wasp  (wŏsp, wôsp)
A white person of Protestant English or other Northern European ancestry, especially one belonging to the American upper class.

[W(hite) A(nglo-)S(axon) P(rotestant).]

WASP′y adj.


or Wasp  (wäsp)
A member of Women's Airforce Service Pilots, organized during World War II as part of the US Army Air Forces to ferry aircraft and to test new aircraft. The organization was disbanded in 1944.

[From W(omen's) A(irforce) S(ervice) P(ilots).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈwɒs pi)

adj. wasp•i•er, wasp•i•est.
resembling a wasp; waspish.
wasp′i•ly, adv.
wasp′i•ness, n.


or WASP•y

(ˈwɒs pi)

adj. Wasp•i•er or WASP•i•er, Wasp•i•est or WASP•i•est.
of, pertaining to, or characteristic of WASPs: a Waspy country club.
Sometimes, Wasp′ish.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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It checks all boxes: more dressed-up than a T-shirt, more hip than a polo shirt, and more WASPy than a plaid shirt.
In this WASPy setting, characters don't always display thoughtfulness.
"The Wife" periodically whisks us back to the 1950s when waspy Joan (Annie Starke), a gifted literary student at Smith University, falls in love with her very married, Jewish creative writing professor Joe (Harry Lloyd), then the father of a little boy.
Under Tweed, Canopy has taken strains with street names like Blue Cheese, Candyland, and Ken's Kush and tried to rebrand them with WASPy names like Blue Balmoral, Houndstooth, and Herringbone.
The seemingly WASPy mom and dad raised their teacups for a toast, grinned at their adorable children and, to my astonishment, bellowed, "Mazel tov!"
"We've all heard stories of American Jews anglicizing their names," writes the pseudonymous and shy "Jew with a Waspy Name." But "now that the U.S.
His topics included Hispanic crime (not higher than white rates at comparable age and income levels), the malleability of average IQ rates in different societies (greater than many hardcore IQ analysts generally believed), and the corruption of the American meritocracy (where he argued, among other points, that the disproportionate number of Jews attending Ivy League colleges was little more objectively justified by "merit" than was the preponderance of WASPy prep school students a hundred years ago).
While we are never fully allowed into George's conscience, Whittall delves into the waspy minds of Joan, Sadie and various locals and, through their inner turmoil, George's true character is revealed drip by drip.
But first, end a waspy conversation with someone who may end up stinging you - no matter how well you think you're handling it.
Markoe, the behind-the-scenes Jewish woman to Letterman's clean-cut, Waspy leading man, is, Zinoman suggests, a central but often overlooked piece of the puzzle of Letterman's rise in sexist, racist Hollywood.