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adj appearance, facefuchsartig; (inf: = shifty) characteraalglatt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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But Mr Stuart hit out at this "false argument for a second referendum", saying that the people of South Wales wanted to leave and not hear "weaselly words from the party opposite".
Speaking to journalists outside his London home, he said it was "weaselly for the BBC to chuck us under the bus".
"form," they insisted, was a weaselly word that offered little
He has a temper (a piker compared to Paul Martin); has poor people skills when he doesn't get his way, not unlike his ex-attorney general; seems highly motivated to get re-elected; and is prepared to do weaselly things if necessary (a rank amateur compared to Stephen Harper, who prorogued Parliament conveniently more than once, and winked as his chief of staff paid a $90,000 bribe to senator Mike Duffy to shut his mouth during the Senate spending scandals).
Gazing through the trap's doorway, I could make out the weaselly form of a wolverine--smaller than I'd pictured given the animal's larger-than-life reputation.
His shady boss William Wilkins (a weaselly Colin Firth) will repossess the family manor in five days unless Michael can find his dad's lost bank shares.
The words "up to" in the Scottish Government statement are weaselly, covering a meaningless range of outcomes.
I thought I'd like to audition for Matilda's dad, Mr Wormwood, as I'm quite weaselly - I look a bit like a Quentin Blake drawing!
Both of them had weaselly faces and I thought of saying to the vegetable man, 'You look like a rat!'" (Gbadamosi, Vauxhall 162).
And when it comes to comic relief, Matt Crowle deploys a number of funny flourishes as the weaselly navy Seabee Luther Billis.
There was no need to wait around for weaselly politicians and a conniving state to offer what the mob could snatch for itself.