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Related to whaup: curlew


(wɔːp; Scottish hwɔːp)
(Animals) chiefly Scot a popular name for the curlew
[C16: related to Old English huilpe, ultimately imitative of the bird's cry; compare Low German regenwilp sandpiper]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Securities and Exchange Commission, affirmed WHA Utilities and Power Public Company Limited's (WHAUP) National Long-Term Rating and the National Long-Term Rating on its outstanding senior unsecured debentures at 'BBB+(tha)'.
It has simultaneously chosen to withdraw all of WHAUP's ratings for commercial reasons.
It expects WHAUP's revenue to rise strongly in 2018 and 2019 due to stronger demand for water from the commissioning of new small-power producers in its service area and a tariff hike during the period.
Here in Scotland, where we commonly call the curlew the whaup, there is, in fact, another whaup of a rather different and indeed eerie origin, for it is supposed to be not a bird but a goblin.
The latter users will have less of a sense of regional distribution and this is likely to be something that would help enlighten them, as, for instance, in the variation of <wh> and <f> for whaup. The book does include a discussion of provenance in the introduction.
With common species where regional pronunciation differences, like maw or whaup, this can lead to something like atomisation.
Whaup, for example, has been applied to curlew, avocet, and blue tit, and barley-bird to an astonishing tally of at least seven other species: common gull, greenfinch, grey wagtail, nightingale, siskin, wheatear, and wryneck.
Sadly, too many people will think it is a foreign language, especially when they hear a lanky, lugubrious person is "like a whaup on stilts gaun' tae a snipe's funeral".
Bangkok: Fitch Ratings (Thailand) has affirmed WHA Utilities and Power Public Company Limited's (WHAUP) National Long-Term Rating and the National Long-Term Rating on its outstanding senior unsecured debentures at 'BBB+(tha)'.
Strong Business Profile: WHAUP benefits from low business risk stemming from limited competition in its market and recurring income from long-term contracts.
As yet this spring I have only heard a single whaup and only seen meagre flocks of lapwing.
And isn't that lilting pee-wit, together with the romantic whistling of the whaup, so much the real sound of spring?