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adj -zier or -ziest
informal using sophisticated technology to produce vivid effects: a whizzy new computer game.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


hwɪzi] adj (= snazzy, flashy) → ultramoderne
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
Lilly previously said about her weight loss: "So I've been on the shakes, raided @fitwithfrankie cupboard , started just doing shakes and whizzy teas for breakfast and felt more energy so started walking everywhere, being more active in general and I can't believe the difference !!!!!!
They help artists produce all the whizzy visual effects (VFX).
Continuing their collaboration with Whizzy Wigs, a group dedicated to organising electronic music events around the island, February 2 is billed as Sousami's "first big party of 2019".
Taking the train from London it took me just a whizzy two hours to get there.
Llanedeyrn and Pentwyn ABC, Izzy Whizzy Childminders, Roy Court Judo and a local church group are being told to make way for the Family Contact Centre.
Saturday's line-up includes Emko and Whizzy, Mackson, Alex Norman, Curtis Liburd and Freezacroud while Sunday will feature Tin Dog, Dan Cross, Loz Pettite and Holy Thief.
* How do I attract all that new, whizzy talent I will be needing--and will these newcomers really understand what makes my company successful?
A sober minority believe capacity enhancement and electrification should come before whizzy high-speed trains.
The best of the bright, whizzy bunch feature Kylie (Right Here, Right Now), Foxes (Wildstar) and Charli XCX (Diamonds) and, with Mr Moroder clearly happy to leave the risk-taking to others, it's an easy listen.