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1. A block of wood on whose surface a design for printing is engraved along the grain.
2. A print made from a woodcut. Also called woodblock, woodprint.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) a block of wood cut along the grain and with a design, illustration, etc, incised with a knife, from which prints are made
2. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) a print from a woodcut
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. a block of wood engraved in relief, from which prints are made; woodblock.
2. a print or impression from such a block.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


A form of relief printing in which a design is cut or gouged out of the surface of a block of hardwood. Ink or paint is then applied to the surface to print out the design. Separate blocks can be used for multicolored images or, especially in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Japan where the technique was perfected, different areas of a single block may also be inked differently.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.woodcut - a print made from a woodcut
engraving - a print made from an engraving
2.woodcut - engraving consisting of a block of wood with a design cut into it; used to make prints
engraving - a block or plate or other hard surface that has been engraved
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
رَسْم مَطبوع من حَفْرٍ على خَشَب
tahta basma kalıbı


[ˈwʊdkʌt] Ngrabado m en madera
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈwʊdˌkʌt] nincisione f su legno
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(wud) noun
1. (also adjective) (of) the material of which the trunk and branches of trees are composed. My desk is (made of) wood; She gathered some wood for the fire; I like the smell of a wood fire.
2. (often in plural) a group of growing trees. They went for a walk in the woods.
3. a golf-club whose head is made of wood.
ˈwooded adjective
(of land) covered with trees. a wooded hillside.
ˈwooden adjective
made of wood. three wooden chairs.
ˈwoody adjective
1. covered with trees. woody countryside.
2. (of a smell etc) of or like wood.
ˈwood carving noun
the art of carving wood.
ˈwoodcut noun
a print made by pressing a block of wood with design cut on it onto paper.
ˈwoodcutter noun
a person whose job is felling trees.
ˈwoodland noun
land covered with woods. a stretch of woodland.
ˈwoodlouseplural ˈwoodlice noun
a tiny creature with a jointed shell, found under stones etc.
ˈwoodpecker noun
a type of bird which pecks holes in the bark of trees, searching for insects.
ˈwood pulp noun
pulp from wood that can be used for making paper.
ˈwoodwind (-wind) noun
(in an orchestra, the group of people who play) wind instruments made of wood.
ˈwoodwork noun
1. the art of making things from wood; carpentry. He did woodwork at school.
2. the wooden part of any structure. The woodwork in the house is rotting.
ˈwoodwormplurals ˈwoodworm, ~woodworms noun
the larva of a certain type of beetle, which bores into wood and destroys it.
out of the wood(s)
out of danger.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
The handbill had the usual rude woodcut of a turbaned Negro woman running, with the customary bundle on a stick over her shoulder, and the heading in bold type, "$100 REWARD." Tom read the bill aloud-- at least the part that described Roxana and named the master and his St.
I may here mention, that on a part of the coast of Ascension, where there is a vast accumulation of shelly sand, an incrustation is deposited on the tidal rocks by the water of the sea, resembling, as represented in the woodcut, certain cryptogamic plants (Marchantiae) often seen on damp walls.
One person of mild and benevolent aspect even gave me a tract ornamented with a woodcut of a malevolent young man fitted up with a perfect sausage-shop of fetters, and entitled, TO BE READ IN MY CELL.
Mr Parkes, who was possibly a hard-sleeper himself, replied with some disdain, 'Not a bit on it;' and directed his eyes towards a handbill pasted over the chimney-piece, which was decorated at the top with a woodcut representing a youth of tender years running away very fast, with a bundle over his shoulder at the end of a stick, and--to carry out the idea--a finger-post and a milestone beside him.
'If you had been, we might have had a large woodcut of the last scene for the posters, showing the whole depth of the stage, with the pump and tubs in the middle; but, however, if you're not, it can't be helped.'
He caught my eye on that spiritedly composed woodcut.(There were no inane snapshot-reproductions in those days.) It was the obvious romance for the use of royalists but it arrested my attention.
In my memory there was a succession of such pictures, fixed there like the old woodcuts of one's first primer: Antonia kicking her bare legs against the sides of my pony when we came home in triumph with our snake; Antonia in her black shawl and fur cap, as she stood by her father's grave in the snowstorm; Antonia coming in with her work-team along the evening sky-line.
Miss Murdstone's heavy eyebrows followed me to the door - I say her eyebrows rather than her eyes, because they were much more important in her face - and she looked so exactly as she used to look, at about that hour of the morning, in our parlour at Blunderstone, that I could have fancied I had been breaking down in my lessons again, and that the dead weight on my mind was that horrible old spelling-book, with oval woodcuts, shaped, to my youthful fancy, like the glasses out of spectacles.
He was the dead image of the sun in old woodcuts, his hair and whiskers answering for rays all around him.
Having never set eyes on that last argument of men's justice except in illustrative woodcuts to a certain type of tales, she first saw them erect against a black and stormy background, festooned with chains and human bones, circled about by birds that peck at dead men's eyes.
Woodcuts of a runaway negro with manacled hands, crouching beneath a bluff pursuer in top boots, who, having caught him, grasps him by the throat, agreeably diversify the pleasant text.
Lowe's luxurious new edition by delightful woodcuts. For this new edition adds to the original merits of the work the very substantial charm of abundant illustrations, first-rate in subject and execution, and of three kinds--copper-plate likenesses of actors and other personages connected with theatrical history; a series of delicate, picturesque, highly detailed woodcuts of theatrical topography, chiefly the little old theatres; and, by way of tail-pieces to the chapters, a second series of woodcuts of a vigour and reality of information, within very limited compass, which make one think of Callot and the German [76] "little masters," depicting Garrick and other famous actors in their favourite scenes.