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1. off
2. from; out of
[Old English of; Old Norse af]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


1. affirmative.
2. affix.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
And fait that same is no wonder at all at all (so be plased to stop curlin your nose), for every inch o' the six wakes that I've been a gintleman, and left aff wid the bogthrothing to take up wid the Barronissy, it's Pathrick that's been living like a houly imperor, and gitting the iddication and the graces.
the tip o' the mornin' to ye, Sir Pathrick O'Grandison, Barronitt, mavourneen; and it's a nate gintleman that ye are, sure enough, and it's mesilf and me forten jist that'll be at yur sarvice, dear, inny time o' day at all at all for the asking." And it's not mesilf ye wud have to be bate in the purliteness; so I made her a bow that wud ha' broken yur heart altegither to behould, and thin I pulled aff me hat with a flourish, and thin I winked at her hard wid both eyes, as much as to say, "True for you, yer a swate little crature, Mrs.
Wid that we wint aff to the widdy's, next door, and ye may well say it was an illigant place; so it was.
Come back now, that's a darlint, and I'll give ye yur flipper." But aff she wint down the stairs like a shot, and thin I turned round to the little Frinch furrenner.
Happen I shall do the coortin' an' the religion both together, as YE do, Seth; but ye wouldna ha' me get converted an' chop in atween ye an' the pretty preacher, an' carry her aff?"
she's aff, without a word at parting!" he exclaimed, as Anne left him without ceremony in the middle of his dissertation on secrets and servants' halls.
Camille Rodriguez and Hali Long, who both scored against Malaysia in their AFF opener, netted two goals each.
Hybrid cloud provider NetApp has recently reinforced the company's commitment to the channel with the introduction of the NetApp AFF C190 system, a "simple, smart and secure" all-flash storage solution.
This sanction has been imposed in connection with ongoing investigations concerning AFF officials, as reported by local authorities and published by some media.
To support the transaction, Odyssey's Multimodal Global Solutions Division has been established to integrate Odyssey and AFF business units that offer complementary modes and services across common global markets.
The acquisition of AFF, headquartered in Fife, Washington, supports Odyssey's core strategy of operating an asset-light logistics business with the scope and scale to be a critical partner to both shippers and carriers worldwide.