
Also found in: Acronyms, Encyclopedia.


a person who aims
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Catherine Knapton, Amy Janes, Daniel Magor, Jack Magor, James Aimer, Luke Aimer and Vanessa Huntley all secured silver or bronze in their events to qualify.
Aimer la reprise des cours ou pas, tout depend des facteurs qui peuvent y intervenir.
The girls made sure Beijing Fashion Week didn't end on a bum note as they dazzled in creations from the Aimer Lingerie Collection.
I shouldn't imagine this would have fooled any aircraft bomb aimer but we were determined to camp.
[beaucoup moins que] J'ai appris a aimer le conte grace a ma grand-mere maternelle.
Lancaster bomber ED825 had been one of the Dambusters and a much younger Sergeant Johnny Johnson had been its bomb aimer when it carried its bouncing bombs to destroy dams deep inside Germany.
The bomb aimer released the 4000lb bomb 50 miles south of Beachy Head, Sussex, in the "southern jettison area" but afterwards called out that he could see an aircraft below.
Nous disons qu'il faut aimer le maillot, mais dans la meme saison, un joueur peut en aimer deux [beaucoup plus grand que], a ainsi declare le technicien en conference de presse.
Two nights later Birmingham's high aimer Matthew Macklin stars on the Amir Khan Manchester bill in a fight he simply has to win.
Il faut aimer l'art pour pouvoir offrir aux melomanes les morceaux les plus melodieux.
L'Italien avait deja evoque son desir de diriger la selection nationale a l'avenir mais il a declare trop aimer le football de club pour l'instant.