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(Aeronautics) another name for aircraft hangar
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Shared surface and sub-surface freshwater basins, shared seas, common flora and fauna species and a shared airshed" inevitably mean that only regional cooperation can serve the collective interests of all three peoples.
Even with provincial EPAs strengthened, Pakistan is yet to develop the institutional coordination arrangements to manage the environmental challenges such as air or water quality at the airshed and watershed levels, and should do so.
Much remain to be done but significant progress had been made in monitoring, closure and rehabilitation of open and controlled dumpsites; establishment of materials recovery and recycling facilities; monitoring and formulation of airshed action plans; rehabilitation of esteros and waterways, and establishment of water quality management areas.
There was also 100-percent accomplishment in the formulation and updating of 22 airshed action plans and maintenance of 98 air quality monitoring stations (AQMS) across the country.
In the administrative sphere, ministry officials might be prevented from issuing approvals for additional discharges in a highly polluted airshed. (50) Similarly a minister might be required to refuse approval of a commercial development that would destroy an Indigenous sacred site, thus violating section 2(a).
Fortunately(or unfortunately) air flow does not follow administrative or political boundaries, which basically means the quality of air that people breathe in Delhi is also dependent on the air quality of the surrounding areas--also known as 'Airshed'.
Power plants can't get permits in the primary airshed of a city, which would still mean we're all breathing cleaner air (and if we could get some of that zero-emission coal ...)
Land-use regression models can be used to assign household-level exposures in community health studies by combining information about land use (e.g., traffic indicators, population density), with air monitoring data of the urban airshed (Bertazzon et al.
In Salt Lake City, direct emissions are a major health concern due to air quality issues, and almost all indirect emissions occur outside of the city's airshed at distant power generation stations.
The only current biomass incinerator locally, built in 2007 at Seneca Sustainable Energy LLC in north Eugene, is today the second leading source of CO2 and particulate pollution in Lane County, emitting 194,000 tons into the Eugene airshed in 2015.
(235) Moreover, an airshed is analogous to a watershed.