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another name for aisle
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Lynn inlay lout outlay low ole Manny Annie Mae Paul all pay pend end-pay pile I'll pay plant ant play plied I'd play plod odd play plover overplay plunder underplay prelate elate pray price ice-spray pride I'd pray prize eye-spray Rand Andre Rex xray root outre sever ever say show O'Shea sprawl all-spray stall all stay stover overstay style I'll stay stride I'd stray trash ashtray trend end-tray wall allway Wally alleyway wear (where) airway weevil evil way well Elway wend endway wham Amway while aisleway wide I'd weigh winch inchway windy Indy Way wink ink-way wonder underway worth Earth Way SOLOMON W.
If someone offered me a free ticket to those fancy seats on the other side of the aisleway, I wouldn't use it.
For the truly devoted there's even an "Elvis Express" train from Sydney, featuring five hours of aisleway serenades and prizes for the best dressed of the 400 passengers.
11: Wide-beamed mid-pavement and supermarket aisleway dawdlers, who have little idea where they are or what they're looking for.
SUPERMARKET giant Tesco has issued an eight-point Aisleway Code to reduce the risk of trolley rage.
He passed Quindlen in an aisleway and, in a voice loud enough for a dozen witnesses to hear, complimented her on the column.
For reach trucks, this measurement has always been calculated on the assumption that the pallet is at ground level when it is picked up and turned at 90 degrees in the aisleway before the load is raised.
On occasion, wheels of cheese and whole carcasses of hogs were whisked away down the aisleways.
Narrow aisleways, tall book shelves, brick walls and cubicles had been illuminated indirectly from 120 400-W indirect HID fixtures located on 12 trellises at 18 ft above the floor.
At several points during the four-day show, these metalcasters were so swamped with casting buyers that you couldn't make it through the aisleways. These buyers mostly came from North America, but there also were global buyers from Europe and Asia in search of open capacity and the quality and consistency offered by North American metalcasters.
"Supermarkets are huge power users, and they get a lot of negative feedback about all the energy they pour into aisleways," says Mike Upp, vice president of marketing for ClearEdge Power, a manufacturer of fuel cells for residential and small commercial applications.