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n.1.An Egyptian dancing girl; an Alma.
The Almehs lift their arms in dance.
- Bayard Taylor.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Kha Alme's story, "The Forgotten and Memories," written by Kha Alme has an intertwining structure in which a local councilor and a migrant nurse express their perspectives.
The River Alme site was identified after the release of an age-progressed photo-fit of a man seen at the Naafi holding a child similar to Katrice.
An RMP spokesman said: "The Royal Military Police has completed the forensic search on the bank of the River Alme in Paderborn, Germany.
"A green saloon car was also seen on the River Alme Bridge near the NAAFI the day after Katrice disappeared," he added.
Among other things, a man was seen with a young girl at the time of the crime getting into a green car, and a day later a green car was spotted on an Alme bridge.
Warrant Officer Class 1 Richard O'Leary, the RMP's senior investigating officer in the case, said his team had identified the bank of the Alme at Paderborner Str as important.
The return of the staff was a huge relief for Alme Cesar, one of four shackled prisoners who were chained to beds for months during the strike.
Both Masses included tropes in the Gloria section (Spiritus et alme, orphanorum paraclite), and the second one uses the antiphon Ave Maria gratia plena to create a polytextual five-part Credo.
Te Deus, alme pater, iustis soletur in aevum Muneribus.