
Also found in: Medical.


A bitter yellow crystalline compound obtained from certain aloes and having laxative properties. Its use in laxatives was banned in the United States in 2002.

[alo(e) + -in.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Pharmacology) a bitter crystalline compound derived from various species of aloe: used as a laxative and flavouring agent
[C19: from aloe + -in]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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It is possible that the increase in the gene expression was due to some adverse effects (stress) of plant molecules such as tannins (antinutritional factors) or aloin (laxative in humans) (Dominguez-Fernandez et al., 2012; Gilani et al., 2012), which affect the hepatopancreas function when these molecules are in excess in the diet.
EGMAX, FEED-X, KOLIN PLUS, PHYTOCEE, and STODI are standardized botanical powder found to contain not less than 0.1% aloin A and aloin B, 0.5% andrographolide, 8.0% polyphenols, 0.5% of gallic acid, and 0.20% punicalagin, respectively.
The main active component of Aloe juice are hydroxyanthracenic derivatives, which represent between 15 and 40% of the total components, and among them are anthraquinone glycosides aloin A and B (also called barbaloin) along with Aloe emodin [12].
Chemical structures of the eight major compounds (mangiferin, coptisine hydrochloride, jatrorrhizine hydrochloride, salvianolic acid B, aloin, berberine hydrochloride, palmatine hydrochloride, and lovastatin) were identified in the finished dose.
The plant contains the laxative compounds ( barbaloin, aloin, and aloe-emodin , which also have an anti-inflammatory effect on the inner lining of the GI tract.
vera gel is rich in a wide variety of pharmacologically active compounds, including anthraquinones, anthracene, anthranol, aloin, aloe mannan, aloetic acid, aloe-emodin, aloeride, chrysophanic acid, resistanol, and saponin, it can be more effective than the A.
The thin intermediate layer, composed of chlorenchyma and vascular bundles, produces a yellow bitter tasting exudate called Aloe latex; this liquid contains secondary metabolites such as glycosylated anthrones (up to 35% aloin A and aloin B), glycosylated chromones (aloesin and aloeresin), glycosylated anthraquinones, and polyphenols.
2, an expert panel convened by AOAC International approved "First Action" official methods for two more chemicals of interest to the supplement industry: aloin and theanine.
Hua, Concentration-Dependence of Prooxidant and Antioxidant Effects of Aloin and Aloe-Emodin on DNA, Food Chem., 91, 413 (2005).