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a compound radical, NH2, derived from ammonia
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HbA1c is the product of glycation reaction of glucose and amidogen of hemoglobin under non-enzymatic catalysis, which can used as an important index reflecting glycometabolism capability.
After PAA was added, the polymer was hydrolysed again and immobilized by the amidogen group of KH-550 and formed a PAA layer coated with the surface of SF particles.
We used the following ingredients to manufacture sweet milk: pasteurized whole milk, liquid whey from the fresh cheese manufacturing, sugar, sodium bicarbonate, modified maize starch (Amidogen 8500) supplied by Gemacom Tech[R], sodium citrate, soluble extra strong coffee, and potassium sorbate.
As there is an amidogen in the aniline structure, it will be harmful to environment if it transforms into nitrite nitrogen.