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(æˈmiːɡə; əˈmiːɡə)
(Languages) the female form of amigo
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References in periodicals archive ?
Maestra Migas, y tambien de amigas, llaman por aqui a la mujer que, piadosa y bienhechora, recoge en su portal a los ninos mas pequenos de los vecinos, cuidando de ellos y ensenandolos a rezar, y a veces a leer, por la modesta retribucion de cinco centimos diarios.
Creo que tal vez deberia hacer la paz con ella, tal vez podriamos un dia de estos ser amigas, ?quien sabe?
The front of the shirts said, "Las tortugas son mis amigas, no mi comida." ("The turtles are my friends, not my food.") The shirts sold fast, and we donated the $250 we raised to EPI.
Planned Parenthood of Minnesota/South Dakota's (PPM/SD) Entre Amigas is a lay health advisor program for adult Spanish-speaking Latinas.
AMIGAS AT FIRST SEEMS LIKE A closet drama--an epistolary piece meant to be read rather than staged.
En el extranjero, entre los devotos de la marca esta la supermodelo norteamericana Naomi Campbell, que cada vez que va a Brasil compra docenas de pares para sus amigas. Hasta hace poco, la modelo brasilena Giselle Bundchen tambien era una fanatica de las havaianas.
letters of Amigas reflect the almost 35-year epistolary relationship
BUENOS AIRES Despite the boom in reality TV here, leading broadcaster Telefe came out on top with the bow of its latest sitcom "Cuatro amigas," ("Four Friends").
The protest, organized by the groups Las Buenas Amigas, African Ancestral Lesbians United for Societal Change, and the Lesbian Avengers, was aimed at MEGA-KQ 97.9 FM, a Spanish-language radio station that regularly broadcasts racist, sexist, and anti-gay commentary.