

(Military) countering attack by aircraft or missile
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The semistealthy, 107-meter vessel is the first brand-new Philippine Navy ship capable of antiair, antisurface, antisubmarine and electronic warfare operations.
Other options might include arming PLAN nuclear-powered attack submarines with submarine-launched, antiair missiles to shoot down USAF in-flight refueling tankers and cargo-transport aircraft.
The exercise included joint planning and coordination in harbour followed by execution of the planned serials at sea, which included maritime security, antiair and anti-surface exercises.
"The most challenging requirements are in the combat systems performance specified for the various warfare areas of AAW (antiair warfare), ASW (anti-submarine warfare), ASuW (anti surface warfare) and EW (electronic warfare)".
It had learned quickly from its British and French counterparts, demonstrated a significant amount of combat adaptation, shot down 58 German aircraft in a short time at the front, and began a century's worth of joint integration between air and antiair forces that continues today.
Another was Afghanistan where we funded and supplied (through cut outs) weaponry including antiair missiles for Afghan rebels fighting against Soviet combat troops.
As technology proliferates, even future irregular threats will feature enhanced information and antiair capabilities.
The Naval Forces demonstrated range of maritime warfare operations against traditional and nontraditional threats including counter terrorism and antipiracy drills, live weapon firing and antiair warfare procedures.
The Dauntless carries 48 antiair 'Sea Viper' missiles and two automated Phalanx gatling guns firing over 3,000 rounds a minute - though she has never been tested in combat.
The greatest polluters in Macedonia have provided requests for extension of the deadline for installing antiair pollution equipment which is a prerequisite for obtaining the Aintegrated environmental license.
* Makstil, Jugohrom, REK Bitola, Oslomej, TEC Negotino and many other companies requested of the Government to prolong the 1 April deadline for installing antiair pollution equipment, a prerequisite for obtaining the A integrated environmental license.