

opposed to the left wing in politics
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Mesa neighborhood, after his long flight from the law had all but convinced the public that powerful factions in the military sympathetic to his ruthless antiLeft campaign were sheltering the man dubbed "The Butcher."
The forces of antileft ideology were still strong in the land with the memory of the tragic Korean War.
When Hitchens libels the left (in modes excellently pilloried by my colleague Katha Pollitt) he now does so as one who has forsworn any left credential, and is newborn as a neocon, dispensing to the Washington Post antileft prose whose frothing crudity eerily mimes that of his erstwhile butt, Norman Podhoretz.
I'd always thought of it as more of an antileft organization--Aidn't it kick out the left-wing unions back in the forties and fifties and support the war in Vietnam, not to mention all kinds of foreign dictatorships?
Williams was, however, exceptionally stern with British contemporaries who, in his opinion, were unable to withstand the antileft onslaught or the "God that failed" syndrome of the cold war era.
The West German government was recently reported to have administered a fund for antileft politics around the world.