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1. (Architecture) a small-scale arcade
2. (Architecture) a set of blind arches attached to the wall of a building as decoration
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"Price sensitivity is increasing," says Larry Light, CEO of marketing consulting company Arcature, Stamford, Conn., and coauthor of The Paradox Planet--Creating Brand Experiences for The Age of I.
The Provenance Chain is the sixth IHG Trends Report, produced in association with IHG's long-term partner Arcature, and through using its own research and observations, as well as a variety of third party sources.
"The brand framework is the editorial policy that defines the distinctive character of the brand, as well as the boundaries within which the brand stories are created," Larry Light, CEO at marketing consultancy Arcature and former global chief marketing officer of McDonald's, wrote in an Advertising Age article.
"My concern is that some companies just view [Earth Day] as a marketing event, like Thanksgiving or Christmas," Larry Light, chairman of Arcature, a management consulting firm, told AdAge.
In particular "Arcature numerique" (1978), "Chances aren't: Roubaud numerical poetricks," Sub-Stance 23/24 (1979): 177-91 and "README.DOC," Sub-Stance 56 (1988) 18-28.