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Related to argentum: Argentum nitricum


(Elements & Compounds) an obsolete name for silver
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References in periodicals archive ?
"In 2018, we saw an 88% increase in purchases of our cleansing bar, Le Savon Lune," reports Joy Isaacs, founder of luxury skincare brand Argentum Apothecary, a stat that's particularly impressive since the bar retails at PS104.
When Gallinee launched a cleansing bar last year, it immediately sold out (it's now back in stock) and cult brands like Drunk Elephant Pekee bar, PS24, Space NK ( Argentum Le Savon Lune, PS104 (argentum Baylis & Harding Royale Bouquet limited edition luxury soap set, PS4 for three, Sainsbury's ( Elephant and Lush are responding to demand with solid cleansers for all skin types.
Le Savon Lune's Argentum Apothecary has seen an 88 per cent rise in sales.
Northumberland CFDC has announced that Argentum Electronics is the winner of its 2018 USD 250,000 N100 Evolution technology startup competition, the company said.
"Colloidal silver is the generic term for substances with tiny particles of silver suspended in water," explains Joy Isaacs, founder of Argentum skincare.
The Chicharron Project was previously held through an unincorporated joint venture arrangement between Industrias Argentum SAS, a Colombian company, and a Colombian branch office of a subsidiary of Gran Colombia Gold Corp.
A full roster of industry experts will support the day, including Stanislav Shkilnyi of Crogan Filmworks, LLC, a Film Sales Company, John Adcox of Gramarye Media, Inc., Drew Waters and Erin Bethea of Argentum Entertainment, Chris DeBlasio of Agency 850, Chris Helton of Silver Line Films, Inc., Karen Rands of Kugarand Capital Holdings, and Eileen O'Neill of EY.
They are Nux vomica (poison nut) and Argentum nitricum (silver nitrate).
"Silverlon has been included in numerous studies that have demonstrated that silver-nylon dressings can offer advantages over standard gauze, helping to improve patient care," said Raul Brizuela, president and CEO of Argentum Medical.