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(ɔːˈbriːʃə) ,




1. (Plants) any trailing purple-flowered plant of the genus Aubrieta, native to European mountains but widely planted in rock gardens: family Brassicaceae (crucifers)
2. (Botany) any trailing purple-flowered plant of the genus Aubrieta, native to European mountains but widely planted in rock gardens: family Brassicaceae (crucifers)
[C19: from New Latin, named after Claude Aubriet, 18th-century French painter of flowers and animals]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Flowerbed magnets include honesty, aubrieta, bergenias, inula, hebe, lavender, French marigolds, thyme, hyssop and marjoram.
Spring surprises like hazel (Corylus avellana Concorta'), rock cress (Arabis), primula (Primula aucalis) and Aubrieta are perfect for those who can't wait to bring their garden to life.
And you could also try creeping thyme, sedum, sempervivum or aubrieta, which produces a carpet of pretty purple flowers.
Don't forget rock plants such as armeria maritima, aubrieta, dianthus alpinus, phlox subulata, stachys, osteospermum jucundum, erigeron karvinskianus, and iris pumila.
Aubrieta ekimii (Brassicaceae), a new species from NW Anatolia (Turkey): morphological and molecular support.
AUBRIETA A FAMILIAR sight around the country, this merry little plant will colonise the tiniest crack in a wall or pavement.
AUBRIETA A FA F MILIAR sight around the country, this merry little plant will colonise the tiniest crack in a wall or pavement.
Aubrieta is a great low-growing cascading plant suitable for ground cover in the border, rockeries or cascading from walls.
You can cut them from the main plant when they have rooted well Continue cutting back rock plants such as alyssum, aubrieta and helianthemum immediately after flowering, before they have had time to set seed During dry weather raise the cutting blades on your lawnmower and mow without using the grass box so that the clippings help retain moisture Thin established seedlings of herbs such as chervil and dill to 15-30cm (6-12in) apart, according to the eventual spread of the plants.
In Albania this association was recognized in Maja e Jezerces and Buni Jezerces at elevations ranging between 1800 and 2500 m, in a vegetational context dominated by the Crepidetalia dinaricae communities which are very rich in Circumboreal (Dryas octopetala, Draba aspera), Amphi-adriatic (Edraianthus graminifolius, Saxifraga marginata, Carex kitaibeliana, Artemisia eriantha, Trifolium noricum) and Balkan endemics (Valeriana bertiscea, Draba kummerlei, Arabis scopoliana, Saxifraga prenja, Danthoniastrum alpinum, Aubrieta croatica).
Cut back aubrieta and alyssum in the rock garden immediately after flowering ?
I saw full-flowering Aubrieta over dry-stone rocks cascade And complement the riotous red glory of a Peony marinade With Anenome blue, Clematis white and a Red Hot Poker on fire, Cooled by the yellow malice of the ice plant Sedum minor Combined with ephemeral Hibiscus and aged Convolvulus tricolor And delicate balls of Fuchsia bells aflame against the south-facing Wall of illusion, radiant in substance and sparkling in metaphor.