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La France coloniale avait mobilise toutes ses forces dans la region des Aures, pensant que c'etait le fief de la revolution[beaucoup plus grand que], a-t-il explique.
Most common Escherichia coli is generally the causative agent for the chronic pyelonephritis and other bacteria that are associated with kidney infection are proteus, streptococcus faecalis, pseudomonas and staphylococcus aures.
Under the new deal, the UADH holding company will import the Citroen brand into Tunisia through its subsidiary, Aures Auto, the same source reported.
She was "born in 1962 in a society between times." After moving to France at the age of five, Rahmani realized her life had changed once she began to lose her language Tamazight, a Berber language spoken by the people of Kabylie in the Aures Mountains, one that was never written down.
This new edition bearing the name of the Aures Mountains will pay tribute to Algeria.
Aures customers can choose any Sango color they wanteven two colors on the same terminaland we build it with no minimum order quantity or added cost, noted Jeff Burroughs, VP of sales and marketing for Aures Technologies.
Ariston Aures Easy, Aures Luxury, and Aures Velis are infused with energy saving performance and a minimum water flow of two liters per minute.
Three of the most prominently used in Algeria are the Aures and Ouled Nail tents - which both belong to nomadic peoples of mountainous regions
The films include Rome Rather Than You (Roma Wa La N'touma) directed by Tariq Teguia, Winds of the Aures (Le Vent des AurE s) by Mohammed Lakhdar-Hamina; Omar Gatlato by Merzak Allouache; and Nouba of the Women of Mont Chenoua (La Nouba des Femmes du Mont-Chenoua) by Assia Djeber.
Four such films, Rome Rather Than You (Roma Wa La N'touma) directed by Tariq Teguia; Winds of the Aures (Le Vent des AurE s) by Mohamed Lakhdar-Hamina; Omar Gatlato by Merzak allouache; and Nouba of the Women of Mont Chenoua (La Nouba des Femmes du Mont-Chenoua) by Assia Djeber are part of DTFF's tribute.
A crossroads of the Mediterranean, Moslem and African worlds, Algeria inherited a number of Numidian and Roman sites, (in the east of Mauritania, in Aures and in the north of Numidia), as well as Christian and Islamic sites and buildings.