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Related to autonym: immures, tautonyms, Basionym


A name by which a people or social group refers to itself.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Journalism & Publishing) a piece of literature published under the real name of an author
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Hafiz Idrees said that India's step to strip of the limited autonym of the held region had further exposed it before the world.
Siraj called for abolition of Simla Agreement following Indian decision to scrap the special autonym status of the Occupied Kashmir.
The term autonym (ability to make decisions) has a twofold meaning: one, it signifies a person's decision-making ability regarding any particular matter.
This seems to be an appropriate usage given that in Sezo mawa means 'peoples' (Bender 2000:179), in Hoozo moo means 'person' (Getachew 2015:2), and in Bambassi maw is used as an unparsable autonym for all four languages of the group--namely Bambassi /maw-es [??] a:ts'-e/ 'Mao language', Hoozo and Sezo /begi maw-es a:ts'-e/ 'Mao language of Begi', and Ganza /sowes maw-es a:ts'-e/ 'Mao Language of Sowes' (Ahland 2012:7).
However, they reduced Batrachichnus to a subgenus of Limnopus, and the designation of Limnopus subgenus Batrachichnus automatically created a second subgenus, the autonym Limnopus subgenus Limnopus.
Juhuri is an autonym for the better-known term Judeo-Tat, the language of the Mountain Jews of the southeastern Caucasus.
It is correct that, not being aware of the more recent events--and having no way of reading the second part of the book that was just in the course of being written through these very events--, she speaks about Don Quixote mentioning him by the nickname of "the Knight of the Sad Countenance" and not by his new autonym "the Knight of the Lions." Of course, the duke too knows his story, his exploits and character, thus comparing all the time what he had read with what he sees; and the same is true about most of the people at their court.
44), the early Roman Catholic missionaries in the 1880s noted that it was used as an autonym among people of Papar.
Naveed Chaudhry said that they would not compromise labours autonym. He said the party was established to empower them and it would defend its purpose at all.
Fisher Unwin's Pseudonym and Autonym Libraries, Andrew Nash at Chatto and Windus and the Phoenix Library, and Michele K.
Other foundational assumptions needed in anthropological analysis of naming that seeks to avoid particularism include the following: that all existing naming systems contain several name types; that all naming systems seem to consider one of those name types to be the 'real' name, the 'autonym'; and that the relationship, organization, and combination of name types make up the naming system.