

of or relating to aviation
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(1.) See for example, Anders Annerfalk, Flygvapnet: An Illustrated History of the Swedish Air Force (Ljungsbro: Aviatic Forlag, 1999).
Another work of Bohuslav Martinu's on aviatic themes is The Amazing Flight, a "mechanical ballet" with futuristic tendencies written in 1927, but only premiered in 1980.
At the commencement of the advance severe opposition was met with at Aviatic farm and it was largely due to the capable manner in which this N.C.O.
THE DEAL: From PS185pp, including Eurostar travel, for two nights, staying at the three-star Hotel Aviatic Saint Germain (www.aviatichotel.
GA--Glosar aviatic (2001), Lucian Miclauc, Timisoara: Marineasa
THE Edouard VII Hotel and its sister, the Aviatic Hotel, in Paris, are offering UK guests two nights for the price of one throughout August.
272-283, as well as the introduction to her report by Wolfgang Sprite, from 1942 head of Test Command 16, as such in charge of the practical evaluation of the Me 163 interceptor [Fuhrer des Erprobungs-Kommandos 16 und Typenbeauftragter fur die Entwicklung des Raketenjagers Me 163], in: Wolfgang Spate (ed.), Testpiloten, Planegg: Aviatic Verlag, 1993, pp.
Choose the three-star Aviatic Hotel near Montparnasse before June 28 for three nights and you will get two nights for the price of three (one must be a Saturday).