
Also found in: Acronyms.


Scot for a short duration of time
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References in periodicals archive ?
Baz Wright, Kelvindale, said: "Deliberately inflaming opposition fans after scoring is one thing but to get awee dig back and be booked for your troubles is just ridiculous.
"Thatwould have given us awee gap at that stage andwe could have made use of that at that stage of the game.
"Kyle's got a really good basis and while it might take him awee while to settle in, I'm hoping he'll be a really good player for us in the future - preferably the near future!"
AWee County animal charity is caring for three young squirrels who were blown from a nest.
We sat down with artist Xavier "Awee" Abelador to talk about the local artists' creative endeavors.
Labour MP Tom Greatrex insisted the assessments awee damaging vulnerable people's health.
I knowwe have to be awee bit more aggressive thanwewere last week."
She made me drink two cups of tea in a row because you have to do awee to make the test work and I didn't want to do one.
AWee County woman has transformed her life by losing more than three stone.
Awee story courtesy of Raith Rovers legend and good Motherwell man Gordon Dalziel.