
Also found in: Acronyms.


Scot a blow or stroke using a soft or flat object
vb (tr)
golf to strike (ground) with the head of a golf club when making a stroke
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
The two baffed under Mowgli's nose so close that a pinch of downy white feathers brushed away.
In addition, B-cell activating factor (BAFF) secretion activates B cells.
Their 'Gelli Baff' range is flying off the shelves at Walmart and Toys 'R Us stores across North America and Canada, and talks are well underway with distributors in Chile and Peru.
In March, Baff went to the White House to accept a National Medal of the Arts on behalf of the Pillow, the first dance presenter to receive this prestigious honor.
The molecule used by Grey and colleagues to inhibit BAFF is known as BCMA, and is already being used in clinical trials for other autoimmune diseases, such as Sjogren's Syndrome and Lupus.
One of the founders of the BAFF, Douglas Young, said, "It is difficult to imagine how it could be worse - that a range of personal details of actual members of the Armed forces but also from those inquiring about joining the Armed Forces have been allowed to go missing, presumably unencrypted.
Alterations in B cell longevity also can lead to lupus-like phenotypes, as exemplified by transgenic expression of BAFF (B cell activator of the TNF family), a key cytokine that promotes B cell survival.
Gottenberg et al., "Viruses induce high expression of BAFF by salivary gland epithelial cells through TLR- and type-I IFN-dependent and -independent pathways," European Journal of Immunology, vol.
BAFF aims to bring local and international films about arts and culture to Lebanon.
(2015) advocated that B-cell activating factor (BAFF) has involved in survival and proliferation of B cells of Alligator sinensis.