

pl n
(Clothing & Fashion) dialect Scot slippers
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A beach in Thailand micht look awfy braw, but have ye ever tried tae get sand oot o' yer baffies? If ye go tae Las Vegas, ye cannae get a plate o' stovies, either.
With him blackballed from cup draws by SFA chiefs, we had to make do with him turning up for the last derby in baffies. Judging by Tom Rogic's display off the bench that day, the big Aussie must have pinched them.
The matte-black tube interior has a pair of baffies to help block any light scattered off of the tube walls from reaching the scope's focal plane.
London, July 04 (ANI): Heard of bobowler, baffies, bishybarnabee, tittermatorter?
In fact, the three-inch high Yorkshire Terrier fits right inside one of Charlie's baffies.
She patrols the room and kitchen, switching off the second bar of the electric fire, wearing a filthy housecoat, baffies and pop socks.
So relaxed I'm generally still in my elastic waist pyjamas and fluffy baffies at four in the afternoon.
This is not easy because every time their backs are turned Nana, played by Gregor Fisher in baffies, pinny and stockings that threaten to fall down at any minute, eats their food.
And remembers to swap her First Class baffies for leopard-print platforms before she disembarks.
Meanwhile, the Scottish Football Association proudly unveiled our new national away strip in pink and primrose and the latest fans' T-shirt saying I Love Scotland showing a portly wifey in a simmet, long johns and baffies (I only made one of those up).