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a type of inflatable device resembling a cross between a parachute and a balloon, designed to slow descent rapidly
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Medlock and Gates have studied the theory and applications of ballute aerocapture and proposed a dual-use ballute system for the exploration of the solar system [19].
Boeing's swing-wing Scaneagle Compressed Carriage (Secc), designed to be dropped from an aircraft such as the Boeing P-8A and to be slowed by ballute and parachute prior to wing extension, may also be developed to suit launch from a submarine's Trident tubes.
The design resembles a device known as a "ballute", a cross between a balloon and a parachute.
Among the concepts being studied to accomplish these objectives is the use of an inflatable drag device, the ballute, a hybrid of balloon and parachute made of durable, thin material and stowed behind the spacecraft for deployment.
Many other designations (Paveway, Snakeye, Ballute) use the standard MK-80 series bombs with guidance system kits to customize them for specific missions and purposes.
After the manned da Vinci rocket achieves sub-orbital status, it will rely on a ballute to safely return to earth.